Workshops & Events

Creating Healthy Masculinities   |   Active Bystander Training   |   Customized Programming


Creating Healthy Masculinities

There is a growing body of literature suggesting that men who adhere to the “hegemonic masculinity” (or more traditional construction of masculinity) are less likely to engage in health promoting behaviors, more likely to accept violence as part of the masculine norm, and more likely to engage in a range of unhealthy and risky behaviors including:

  • Sexual and relationship violence;
  • Unsafe driving;
  • Refusal to use condoms;
  • Use of dietary supplements;
  • Carrying weapons;
  • High risk drinking and drug use.

Get involved as a leader in health oriented programming and events and help create a healthier campus!


Active Bystander Training

Bystander intervention is a tool for creating a caring, compassionate community, and this training is a great framework to for enhancing your skills to be outstanding community members at UMass, in Amherst, in your hometowns, and as a member of society. We can offer a generalized training, or a training specific to topics related to creating healthy masculinities and/or violence prevention. Active bystander training is part of the UMatter@UMass initiative.


Customized Programming

We are happy to work with you to create specialized training and workshops. We also sponsor and co-sponsor numerous events throughout the year, and would be happy to work with you on these as well!

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