The Capan-Chung-Paluch team examined factors that impact the health and well-being of nurses with their project, An Exploratory Study to Identify Multi-Level Factors of Physical Health and Well-Being in the Nursing Profession. The team noted that "nurses work in an environment that involves physically demanding tasks, irregular sleep patterns, and emotionally taxing situations. Although nurses spend much of their day promoting the health of their patients, nurses have a high prevalence of poor health behaviors, poor cardiovascular health, obesity, and diabetes." Prior intervention programs have not proven sustainable; in other words, while nurses may have found them helpful in improving their overall health, they did not find them effective long-term. In addition to identifying informational gaps in nursing curricula, the team used self-reported data from nurses alongside engineering expertise with analytics to develop an intervention program that is based on physical activity, scalable, and sustainable.
Capan, M., Bigelow, L., Kathuria, Y., Paluch, A., & Chung, J. (2024). Analysis of multi-level barriers to physical activity among nursing students using regularized regression. PloS one, 19(5), e0304214.