Pilot Project Goal: To improve the safety and usability of IV smart pumps by creating evidence-based standards. Our team is exploring flow rate accuracy in a variety of settings and use-cases.
Adverse events associated with the use of IV Smart Pumps are among the most frequent sources of error reported to the US Food and Drug Administration compared with other medical technology, and an estimated 500,000 hospitalized patients are affected annually by preventable medication errors. Dr. Jeannine Blake’s and Dr. Juan Jiménez’s project, Research into IV Smart Pumps, Safety Standards, and Flow Rate Inaccuracy, involves the creation of a novel product designed to mitigate variables known to cause errors. The Blake-Jiménez team’s findings demonstrate that setup practices can cause flow rate inaccuracy, and the team’s work continues with a long-term goal being of reducing IVSP medication errors.
Giuliano, K. K., Blake, J. W., & Butterfield, R. (2021). Secondary medication administration and IV smart pump setup. AJN The American Journal of Nursing, 121(8), 46-50.
Marwitz, K. K., Giuliano, K. K., Su, W. T., Degnan, D., Zink, R. J., & DeLaurentis, P. (2019). High-alert medication administration and intravenous smart pumps: A descriptive analysis of clinical practice. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 15(7), 889-894.
Blake, J. W., Giuliano, K. K., & Harrington, L. (2020). Flow accuracy of IV smart pumps outside of patient rooms during COVID-19. AACN advanced critical care, 31(4), 357-363.
Giuliano, K. K., Penoyer, D., Mahuren, R. S., & Bennett, M. (2021). Intravenous smart pumps during actual clinical use: a descriptive comparison of primary and secondary infusion practices. Journal of Infusion Nursing, 44(3), 128.