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Nurse-Engineer Teams Igniting Healthcare Innovation

November 01, 2023 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm ET
Conference Center at Institute for Applied Life Sciences

Nurse-Engineer Teams Igniting Healthcare Innovation: Dinner and Talk by Oriana Beaudet, DNP RN, PHN

Join Elaine Marieb College of Nursing Dean Allison Vorderstrasse, and College of Engineering Dean Sanjay Raman for an evening of innovation, collaboration, and celebration of nurse-engineer teams. We will welcome Dr. Oriana Beaudet, DNP RN, PHN, American Nurses Association Vice President of Nursing Innovation, for her keynote presentation on “Igniting Nurse-led Healthcare Innovation with Nurse-Engineer Teaming”. You will also have the opportunity to hear from nurse-engineer student and faculty teams and Baystate Medical Center nurses about current nurse-engineer collaborate projects and their implications for improving care at the frontlines of care.

You will also have the opportunity to see the impact of nurse-engineer teaming at the State level, as we will present the 2023 Manufacturer of the Year Award to the Elaine Marieb Center for Nursing and Engineering Innovation.

We look forward to having you join us for this special dinner hosted by the Elaine Marieb Center for Nursing and Engineering Innovation co-directors, Dr. Frank Sup and Dr. Karen Giuliano. 

Oriana Beaudet

Oriana Beaudet, DNP RN, PHN

Oriana Beaudet, DNP RN, PHN is the Vice President of Nursing Innovation for the American Nurses Association Enterprise (American Nurses Association, American Nurses Credentialing Center, and the American Nurses Foundation). According to Beaudet, the ANA Enterprise organizations have created a bedrock for nursing practice across our country. Our profession has a rich history of inventing solutions for patient needs. Redefining and reimagining the future role of nursing begins with the work we lead today. Beaudet is aligning a strategic framework for the nation’s 4.2 million nurses to engage with and lead innovation across the healthcare ecosystem.

Schedule of events:

4:00 PM
Poster viewing of grant groups and their projects
5:00 PM
Elaine Marieb Center for Nursing and Engineering Innovation partnerships and awards
7:00 PM
Keynote address

Innovation Dinner Photos

Dr. Karen Giuliano, RN in conversation at the 2023 EMCNEI Innovation Dinner.

The EMCNEI Innovation Dinner Poster event.

Dr. Oriana Beaudet, RN, VP of Innovation at the American Nurses Association, speaking at the 2023 EMCNEI Innovation Dinner.

Dr. Favorite Iradukunda, RN presenting their pilot project poster at the EMCNEI Innovitation Dinner.

Gina Georgadarellis (left) and Hoon Lee (right), both EMCNEI graduate researchers, presenting their poster at the EMCNEI Innovation Dinner.