Photo: Lisa Beth Anderson
Photo: Lisa Beth Anderson
In the wake of the Supreme Court’s 2023 ruling disallowing race-based affirmative action in college admissions, many feared that years of progress in increasing access to higher education would be jeopardized.
Nefertiti Walker, vice chancellor for equity and inclusion, affirms a commitment to diversity as a source of pride for UMass. “Accessibility and being a beacon for social mobility are deeply embedded into the fabric of who we are as an institution and in many ways, who we are as a state,” she says.
For UMass, fresh efforts simply extend the holistic admissions focus that’s been in place for nearly a decade—one that considers traditional factors like high school grades but also includes a larger view of the applicant’s life experiences. Since 2011, the percentage of underrepresented minorities in incoming classes has increased more than 70%.
Citing research on which of the measurable traits among high school students are “the most predictive elements of success in college,” Massachusetts Secretary of Education Patrick Tutwiler reported in October that the state-level Board of Higher Education voted to keep college admissions ‘test optional’ and not require SAT or ACT scores at Massachusetts state institutions of higher education, including UMass Amherst. “As we know,” Tutwiler says, “an emphasis on entrance exams has been a barrier for students of color, economically disadvantaged students, and multilingual learners for many years.”
The university’s innovative applications revamp prompted the White House to host Chancellor Javier Reyes to speak about “Strategies for Increasing Diversity and Opportunity in Higher Education.” Reyes shared how, after the court’s ruling, UMass added an essay prompt that asks applicants to choose a community they belong to and describe its significance in their lives. He notes that community can be broadly defined, “including shared geography, religion, race/ethnicity, income, ideology, and more.”
Campus leaders also recognize that admissions processes are not sufficient. “Once [students] are on our campus,” Reyes said, “do we see them engaging and having a sense of belonging? … This is how we will measure our success.”
See Chancellor Reyes’s address at the White House:
Sarah de Carvalho ’23 and Sapna Parihar, ’23, ’25MS
Photo: Zinj Guo
Artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots shook college campuses in late 2022, sending faculty members scrambling to regulate students’ use of AI. The swift rise of AI also caught the attention of the Biden administration, which opened a public commenting period to determine how to govern this growing technology field.
Dozens of UMass students answered the call, thanks to an assignment given by Informatics Program Director and senior faculty member Michelle Trim in her undergraduate and graduate-level computer science classes.
“Assume you’re designing the ethical rules for this piece of technology, and they have to be followed,” Trim told students. “What policies would you build?”
Eli Boahen ’24MS partnered with other computer science students to propose that Congress establish a regulatory agency akin to the IRS to audit AI developers, ensuring their products meet predetermined ethical standards before coming onto the market.
“Some folks were questioning whether or not they even wanted to work in computer science anymore because the ethics were so questionable, and that’s where the curiosity goes into urgency,” Boahen says. “When it comes to AI, it’s very, very real for us.”
Anthony Santiago, who teaches at CHS and mentors incoming teacher candidates in his role as site coordinator for the 180 Days program
“I continue to choose Springfield,” says Anthony Santiago ’14MEd, a graduate of the College of Education’s 180 Days Secondary Education Program in Springfield.
Since 1998, students in the program have been catalysts for improving urban education. Aspiring teachers study and teach full time in Springfield Public Schools (SPS), one of the most diverse districts in the commonwealth. And, in just one year, they gain a master’s degree, an initial teaching license, and a supportive professional network—in addition to a wealth of teaching experience.
Santiago isn’t alone in his commitment to the Springfield area. As of this year, 88 alumni of the program continue to work in SPS, 28 of whom work at Springfield Central High School (CHS). Santiago—who teaches first-year science at CHS and also attended and graduated from the school—says he appreciates how his academic journey has come full circle.
“I realized CHS was the best place I could have been, and the best reason to have stayed,” he says. “It’s allowed me to give back to a school system and a city that helped me reach my goals.”
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