Swamy on the Socials

Share your #SwamySelfie

Chancellor Subbaswamy is seen with a group of students in bright t-shirts; one student is holding up a phone to take a selfie.

The “selfie with Swamy” was just one of the many memorable traditions that the 30th Chancellor of UMass Amherst, Kumble R. Subbaswamy, heralded over the last decade. As we prepare to wish him a happy retirement, we’re sharing many of those photos and memories.

Share your Swamy selfie, favorite memory, and hopes for how his legacy will continue by tagging #SwamySelfies on any social media platform, or email us at magazine@umass.edu.

Take the trivia challenge to see how much you know about Chancellor Subbaswamy’s UMass legacy.

We’re on the lookout

Share your most intriguing nooks, niches, coordinates, or curiosities on campus or anywhere in the region. Email magazine@umass.edu and we’ll investigate!