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Daniel Cooley


My work focuses on the ecology of plant diseases and the impacts they and their management have on environmental and human health, and involves teaching, research, service and outreach. I do research on environmental factors that lead to plant disease development and on methods to manage the diseases, focused on commercial fruit production in the northeastern US. My program has always been very applied, looking for solutions to plant disease management problems. It has included a range of projects from fungicide screening in apples to developing weather-based models for disease forecasting. 

Current Research

Current research focuses on management of two major apple diseases, apple scab (caused by Venturia inaequalis) and fire blight (caused by Erwinia amylovora). Specifically:
> Determining why the ascospore maturity model for apple scab management has failed and developing modifications to improve accuracy.
> Testing a European decision support tool for apple scab, RIMpro, for both conventional and organic apple production, in comparison to NEWA and other DSS tools.
> Evaluating different sources of virtual weather data as compared to on-site weather stations.
> Examining populations of the fire blight pathogen, Erwinia amylovora, for resistance to streptomycin, and screening alternatives to streptomycin for both conventional and organic use.

Learn more at stockbridge.cns.umass.edu/daniel-cooley

Academic Background

  • Ph. D. Plant Pathology, UMass Amherst, 1986
  • A.B. Harvard College, 1974
Zeng, Quan; Cui, Zhouqi; Wang, Jie; Childs, Kevin; Sundin, George; Cooley, Daniel; Yang, Ching-Hong; Garofalo, Elizabeth; Eaton, Alan; Huntley, Regan; Yuan, Xiaochen; Schultes, Neil. (2017). Comparative genomics of Spiraeoideae-infecting Erwinia amylovora strains revealed higher genetic diversity and suggested an origin of global dispersal. Molecular Plant Pathology.doi:10.1111/mpp.12647
Morton, Lois Wright, Daniel Cooley, Jon Clements and Mark Gleason. 2017. Climate, Weather and Apples. Sociology Technical Report 1046. Department of Sociology, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. 16 pp.
Morrison, W. R., D. H. Lee, W. H. Reissig, D. Combs, K. Leahy, A. Tuttle, D. Cooley and T. Leskey. 2016. Inclusion of specialist and generalist stimuli in attract-and-kill programs: their relative efficacy in apple maggot fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) pest management. Environ. Ent. 45 (4): 974-982.
Villani, S.M., Biggs, A.R., Cooley, D.R., Raes, J.J, and Cox, K.D. 2015. Prevalence of myclobutanil resistance and difenoconazole insensitivity in populations of Venturia inaequalis. Plant Dis. 99: 1526-1536.
Frederick, Z.A., Villani, S.M., Cooley, D.R., Biggs, A.R., Raes, J.J. and Cox, K.D. 2014. Prevalence and stability of qualitative QoI resistance in populations of Venturia inaequalis in the northeastern United States. Plant Dis. 98: 1122-1130.
Shapiro-Ilan, D. I., Wright, S. E., Tuttle, A. F., Cooley, D. R. & Lesky, T. C. 2013. Using entomopathogenic nematodes for biological control of plum curculio, Conotrachelus nenuphar: Effects of irrigation and species in apple orchards. Biological Control, 67: 123-129.
Cooley, D.R., D. A Rosenberger, M. L Gleason, G. Koehler, K. Cox, J. M. Clements, T. B. Sutton, A. Madeiras, and J. R. Hartman. 2011. Variability among forecast models for the apple sooty blotch/flyspeck disease complex. Plant Dis. 95: 1179-1186.
Contact Info

Stockbridge School of Agriculture
418 Paige Lab
161 Holdsworth Way
Amherst, MA 01003-9292

(413) 577-3803
