Andrew A. Lover
I am an infectious disease epidemiologist with substantive focuses in malaria (especially Plasmodium vivax), other vector-borne diseases, and disease surveillance, all coupled with the design and implementation of field surveys and interventional trials. My work has involved field work in diverse global settings, including studies in Timor-Leste (East Timor), Cambodia, Vietnam, Lao PDR (Laos), and Kenya. I also have a decade of experience as a drug discovery chemist, with research in respiratory therapeutics, novel antibiotics, and inflammation targets (ICOS corporation and Gilead Sciences).
Research Themes: Drug development for global health; novel infectious disease surveillance strategies; point-of-care diagnostics for vector-borne disease.
Current Research
My current work focuses on the development of novel tools for disease surveillance, and development/optimization of new applications for existing therapeutics in vector-borne disease. Current and on-going studies include: 1) trialing a novel drug-based vector-control intervention (ivermectin) for malaria elimination (Vietnam); 2) utilization of molecular epidemiology to disentangle the complex transmission pathways of tick-borne diseases (Western Massachusetts).
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Academic Background
- BA, Earlham College (1997)
- MS, University of California, Santa Barbara (2003)
- MPH, Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, National University of Singapore (2010)
- PhD, Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, National University of Singapore (2015)
- Research fellow/Senior technical specialist, Malaria Elimination Initiative, University of California, San Francisco (2014-2018)