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Video Tutorial

Learn how to make an appointment. Watch this video or follow the steps below. Please remember that the LRC team can assist at any point in the appointment making process. Email us at We’re committed to responding to you within 24 business hours!

Scheduling a Tutoring Appointment

Step 1

Click the Make Appointment button below. It will redirect you to Navigate, UMass Amherst's undergraduate student success system. Log-in to Navigate using your UMass NET-ID and password.

Step 2

Once you’re on to your profile in Navigate, look for the “Make an Appointment” button on the right side of your homepage. This is found under the UMass Amherst logo. Click on this button.

Make appointment button navigate

Step 3

The next screen will ask you to fill in some information about what kind of appointment you’d like to schedule. For an appointment with an LRC tutor, you should answer as follows:

  • What type of appointment would you like to schedule? Select 'Academic Support'.
  • Please scroll to find the appropriate office, then select the appointment reason that best matches your needs: Select 'Course-based Tutoring' or 'Study Skills Tutoring' depending on the type of appointment you are looking for. 
  • Pick a Date: Select the appropriate date.

Note: Navigate will show available appointments up to 14 days in the future. To maximize appointment availability, we recommend that you start with the day you’re looking for an appointment.

Appointment form navigate


Step 4

The left side of the next page with display filters for your appointment search. Here, you should select how you would like to meet your tutor. Choose either 'In-Person' or 'Virtual'.

navigate appointment type form

Step 5

Select the the course for which you want tutoring. Only courses for which the LRC offers tutoring will be displayed in this list.

navigate course form

For a Study Skills Tutoring appointment, you do NOT need to select a course.  

Step 6

As you adjust the filters through Step 5, available appointments will populate on the center of the screen. Select the available appointment that works best in your schedule from the list.

select appointment interface

Step 7

Once you’ve selected a time, review the appointment details. This page will show you the day and time of the appointment you’ve selected. Depending on how you want to meet your tutor (in- person or virtually), your room location or Zoom link will populate in these appointment details. Verify the details before proceeding ahead.

navigate verify appointment details

Step 8

To save your appointment, you need to click the “Schedule” button. 

schedule button





You’ll know that you’ve successfully made an appointment when you see this screen:

success page

Navigate will also send you an email confirmation of your appointment.

Step 9

You can see all of your upcoming appointments and the corresponding room location/Zoom link on the right side of your Navigate homepage. They’ll populate in order under the heading “Upcoming Appointments.”

view navigate appointment

Navigate will also send you an email reminder 24 hours and 1 hour before your appointment

Cancelling a Tutoring Appointment

Step 1

If you need to cancel your appointment, you can do so through the “Upcoming Appointment” section. Select the appointment you need to cancel. A “Manage Appointment” box will pop-up. Click on “Cancel Appointment.”

cancel appointment

Step 2

A new window will appear. Scroll to the bottom of this window to the “Cancel Appointment” section. Answer the prompts as follows:

  • Cancel Appointment For: Entire Appointment

  • Reason: Student Request-Need to Cancel

Then, select the button that says “Mark as Cancelled.”

mark cancelled