Courses Supported
Students returning 3+ times in a semester
Annual Visits
Course-based Tutoring
- Clarify concepts and get your doubts resolved.
- Review material covered in class and reinforce learning.
- Move past comprehension hurdles and succeed in your classes.
- Feel supported and achieve your learning goals.
Study Skills Tutoring
- Improve Time Management skills.
- Learn and apply prioritization strategies.
- Develop reading and note-taking skills.
- Adopt a growth mindset.
How do I access tutoring services at the LRC?
Tutoring by Appointment
- 1 on 1
- Your choice of in-person or virtual
- 50 minutes long
- No wait time
- Booked in advance on Navigate, by phone, or in person at the LRC
Drop-in Tutoring
- 1 on 1
- Your choice of in-person or virtual
- 30 minutes long
- First come, first served
- No booking required
- Drop-in schedule found here: LINK