Your Mail

Your Residence Hall Mail

Package Delivery | Getting Mail | Your Address | Opening your Mailbox | Not Getting Your Mail | Summer/Winter Mail Delivery

Package Delivery

All packages addressed to your residence hall and under the weight limit of 40 lbs. will be delivered to your Residential Service Desk (RSD). The RSD will email your UMass email account to notify you that you have a package to pick up at the desk. Unclaimed packages will be returned to sender 7 days after receipt if not picked up.

Package Delivery for Fall 2024

During the first four weeks of the Fall Semester, the Residential Service Desks distribute approximately 60,000 packages to on campus residents. At our busiest location we will staff up to nine people to get packages out to students. Despite our best efforts students students can still experience extreme delays in receiving items essential to academic success, like textbooks and iClickers.

In light of this, we offer the following mail and package guidelines for Fall 2024:

  • Students should  plan to arrive on campus with everything they need in order to begin classes successfully.
  • Textbooks ordered after the semester starts can be shipped to an E-campus pick up point on campus rather than to the RSD.
  • A 60 day supply of all medication should be brought from home. Refills can be ordered through the University Health Services Pharmacy. 
  • Staff will not be able to accept furniture, large rugs, or other large non-essential items at the RSDs.
  • Staff cannot accept any item weighing over 40 lbs.

Your Residential Service Desk is not able to accept any package that requires an ADULT SIGNATURE (Age 21+) upon attempted delivery. Some items that would require an ADULT SIGNATURE CONFIRMATION are alcohol, cigarettes, firearms/ammunition and items of high value. It is important to note that some computer vendors will require an ADULT SIGNATURE when shipping computers due to their high value. Before ordering a computer, please contact your Residential Service Desk and speak with the Service Desk Coordinator about this exception.

Authorized Vendors and Delivery Partners

Residential Service Desks accept packages shipped through the following authorized vendors: US Postal Service, UPS, FedEx Ground, FedEx Express, and DHL. We also accept deliveries from Edible Arrangements and Atkins Farm, a local business offering flower delivery. We are unable to accept packages shipped via unauthorized vendors, as well as deliveries from vendors whose goods go directly to the student such as DoorDash, Instacart, Peapod, etc.  

Getting Your Mail

US Mail

Mail is delivered and picked up at every residence hall, except on legal holidays, extended vacation periods and Summer Break. At the beginning of the semester, you will be assigned a mailbox. Most residence halls also have a mail slot for outgoing U.S. Mail. If you need to mail something, you can purchase stamps at the University Store which is located in the Campus Center, or at Mail Services at 120 Tillson Farm Rd. See their website for office hours.

Campus Mail

Campus mail is a free service that delivers letters from one on-campus room or office to another. To send campus mail, address the envelope as follows and drop it in any mailbox marked "Campus Mail".

Recipient's Name
Department Name
Department Box Number
Building Name

Your Campus Mailing Address

In order to receive mail at your residence hall, it should be addressed using the following form:

Your First and Last Name
Name of Your Residence Hall, UMass
Residence Hall Street Address, Room #
Amherst, MA 01003 - (4-digit extended ZIP)

Each residence hall has a different 4-digit extended zip code. For the correct street address and zip code of your residence hall, go to Residence Directory.

How to Open Your Mailbox

Single Dial Mailboxes
(3 number combination)

pdf instructions
video instructions  

Two Dial Mailboxes 
(2 letter-number sets combination)

pdf instructions
video instructions

Four Dial Combination Mailboxes
(4 number combination)

video tutorial

eCampus @ UMass Textbook Delivery

When purchasing course materials for the upcoming semester with eCampus @ UMass you will have the option to ship to pickup center at the Campus Center. Simply, select the checkbox marked “Ship to campus pickup center” on the shipping address screen. The address will automatically populate. All you have to do is fill in your first and last name and phone number. Shipping to the campus pickup center also allows you to opt-in to receive text message updates about your order. If you do not wish to ship to pickup center, you may enter any desired address.

Not Getting Your Mail?

If you are having problems with your mail please contact your RSD. Misaddressed mail is forwarded by University Mail Services, 120 Tillson Farm Rd, to a resident's most current address as it appears in SPIRE. If Mail Services is holding any mail for you, you will be notified by email to come in person with your student ID between the hours of 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

If you accidentally sent something to an old campus address, mail and packages sent via USPS will be forwarded to your current campus address if you are currently living on campus.  If you are not living on campus, USPS mail and packages will be forwarded to your permanent address as it is listed in SPIRE. Mail and Packages sent via any other delivery vendor will be returned to sender by the vendor.  You should contact either the delivery vendor UPS, FedEx, DHL, wetc.) to discuss rerouting options or contact the seller (Target, Amazon, etc.) to reroute your order.

Mail Delivery during Summer and Winter session

Standard (Bulk) mail and Periodicals (magazines, newspapers) will not be forwarded. You are required to change your address directly with the Circulation Department for each publication.

Bank Statements are returned to the Bank. Mail Services recommends that you contact your Financial Institution and update your mailing address.

Credit Card 'offers' are returned to sender.

Campus Mail is returned to the originating Department. Other 1st Class Mail is forwarded to the permanent address students have provided on SPIRE. Please be patient. Mail Services hand-addresses thousands of pieces of mail.

 Question? Contact us.