Living on campus at UMass Amherst is, for many students, a first step away from home.
Learning about creating and sustaining your own living environment also takes place in the residence halls. Another part of your education is learning how to take care of yourself and craft a lifestyle which will enable you to be successful while you are here and after you graduate. Being aware of Community Standards, Sustainability and other practices enable you to be an active part of maintaining a safe, positive environment.
• Keep your room and the residence hall clean! Throw away your trash and pick up after yourself when you are done using common spaces.
• Keep your room locked and don't let strangers into the building. Residence hall security is everyone's responsibility.
• Keep an open mind. Living in a residence hall means being part of a diverse and dynamic community. Get to know your roommate(s) and share your expectations and interests. We have found that when students make an effort to work on this important relationship, they are more likely to have a successful roommate experience. Other UMass students recommend that you get to know each other before you arrive.
• Residence hall staff members are all great resources to help you sort out any of the challenges that come with living in a residence hall community.