Helpful Links:
Map of Residence Areas
Asian/Asian American | Disability | El Barrio | Harambee | Spectrum
Defined Residential Communities (DRCs) are communities in residence halls where students can live with hall mates who share similar interests, backgrounds, and identities. The DRCs were originally created by UMass Amherst students and today serve as living and learning communities that support personal growth and academic success.
These communities are not restricted by major and are open to all sophomore, junior and senior students interested in the particular focus area. DRCs are an ideal choice for students who are looking for a dynamic, hands-on way to learn about the variety of cultures and lifestyles represented at UMass Amherst.
What to Expect
Students who live in the DRCs connect with professional staff and faculty who work with them to build a community of peers. Living in a DRC can include the following:
- A community building retreat during the fall semester
- Events and programs created by students in the community
- Off-campus field trips led by faculty and staff
- Opportunities to help coordinate large-scale campus events in partnership with various offices and academic departments
- A Resident Assistant who is committed to the development of the community
- Optional related courses that students can take with hall mates
While all of the DRCs have their own established culture and personality, they are constantly growing and changing to fit the needs of the individual students who live there. We hope that you will join a DRC this year and help make it what you want it to be.
Interested in Applying?
The application for the 2024 - 2025 is closed. If you would like to be notified when the 2025 - 2026 application is live, fill out the DRC Application Notification Form
2024 - 2025 Applications will be reviewed and results will be communicated by Thursday March 7th, 2024 prior to online room selection.
The room selection period for DRC communities will be Tuesday March 12, 2024 - Friday, March 15, 2024.
Defined Residential Communities 2024-2025
Asian/Asian American Student Community
Northeast Area
The Asian/Asian American Community is an intentional space located in Lewis Hall for students to explore their identity and culture as Asian, Asian American, and allied students.
Students in the community gather frequently to discuss issues of identity, social justice, belonging, and culture through intentional programming and dialogue spaces.
Professional staff in the Asian/Asian American Community work closely with a student advisory board and faculty in the Asian/ Asian American Certificate program to coordinate events and create strong relationships through educational and social programming.
The Asian/Asian American Community also plans regular off-campus field trips focused on culture and community-building.
Disability Defined Residential Community
Brett Hall
The Disability Defined Residential Community is a community housed in Brett Hall intentionally centered on the experiences, needs, and community among Disabled students. All students who identify as Disabled across experiences and their allies are encouraged to apply; no registration or disclosure is required.
In the Disability Defined Residential Community, students will gain a better understanding of campus resources, experience a range of social and educational events, and take part in building an inclusive community.
Participants can expect to be involved in the decision-making process regarding events to fit the needs, social interests, and educational interests of the community as well as collaborate with other Defined Residential Communities and campus resources.
The Disability Defined Residential Community aims to be a central location for all members of the UMass Disability community and be an integral part of supporting the institutional growth of the Disability community on campus.
Please note: There are a limited number of private rooms in this community. Most spaces will be double occupancy rooms.
El Barrio: Latinx Student Community
Southwest Area
El Barrio is a Latinx based community located in Washington Hall that was created to raise awareness about Latinx culture and help empower students within the Latinx diaspora.
Students in El Barrio will build connections between each other by engaging in dialogue surrounding their intersecting identities and interests; as well as collaborating with other communities who face similar social, economic, and political issues.
Residents will participate in programming initiatives that explore the multiple facets of Latinx daily life.
Resources available to the community include collaborations with the surrounding cultural centers and organizations; including, but not limited to, the Latin American Cultural Center and the Latinos Unidos organization.
Harambee: African/African American Student Community
Southwest Area
Harambee, Swahili for “the pulling together point” or “the point at which all things come together,” is an inclusive and supportive community that honors African/African American/Black identities and provides intentional space for their cultures.
In Harambee, students will have opportunities to share and learn from one another’s cultural experiences and backgrounds, as well as connect over current events related to Black identity and explore intersections of race and other identities and social justice.
Events and programs will be planned in collaboration with students, Resident Assistant (RA), the Residence Director, and campus partners like the W.E.B. Du Bois Department of Afro-American Studies and CMASS.