The Of the Year Awards is an annual recognition event that honors and recognizes the hard work students and staff members have accomplished within Residential Life throughout the academic year. If interested in nominating a fellow student, staff member or group please use the link below.
Submit your nomination here
2023 Of the Year Awards Categories
- RA of the Year-This is an individual award given to resident assistants who have demonstrated exceptional contributions to their residential community through program development, addressing student needs, supporting peer and senior staff, leadership through crisis response, etc. There will be five total recipients, one from each residential area: Southwest Campus RFYE, Southwest Campus MY, East Campus RFYE, East Campus MY, and CHCRC.
Resident Assistant of the Year: SWRFYE
Arsh Arora
Resident Assistant of the Year: SWMY
Ileana Rodriguez
Resident Assistant of the Year: CHCRC
Hunter Lynch
Resident Assistant of the Year: ERFYE
Xiaoqi Li
Resident Assistant of the Year: EMY
Lisa Tran
- PM of the Year-This is an individual award given to Peer Mentors who have demonstrated exceptional contributions to their residential community by individually and collaboratively helping first year students experiences a positive transition to UMASS-Amherst. These contributions can stem from program development, opportunities to connect to faculty and other instructors in an informal atmosphere, and assistance with overcoming daily challenges in the course of their personal and academic development.
Peer Mentor of the Year: East
Adam Ford
Peer Mentor of the Year: West
Bhani Sethi
House Council Member of the Year-This is an individual award given to a dedicated member of house council for their exceptional work and continuous dedication. This member has gone above and beyond by being involved in meetings and committee work. They will have impacted the residence community, developed student leaders, encouraged involvement, and fostered a sense of spirit, pride, and community. Through a display of exemplary leadership and outstanding outreach with their residential area, this individual has inspired others within the area to join become more active within their community.
House Council Member of the Year
Frank Curley
Resident of the Year-This is an individual award given to a resident that does not belong to a residential life organization (i.e., RHA, NRHH, Area Government, House Council) who has demonstrated strong leadership in their community and has shown true dedication to helping build a community within the Residence Halls. This can be shown through constant attendance to residence Hall programs, connecting fellow residents to campus resources, inspiring comradery and pride within the Residence Hall, and outreach to the community.
Resident of the Year
Christina Briggs
Resident of the Year
Victor Lam
Roommate of the Year-This recognition highlights individuals who have had a positive impact on the residence hall experience of another student or students. This award should recognize a resident who has helped make living on campus an experience characterized by kindness, friendship, personal growth, and/or learning.
Roommate of the Year
Chuong Huynh
Roommate of the Year
Angela Licata
RHA Cluster of the Year-The RHA Cluster of the Year is awarded to the residential cluster who receives the greatest number of cluster points throughout the academic year. Points are awarded through consistent attendance and participation in a variety of RHA and House Council sponsored events.
Residence Hall Association Cluster of the Year
Webster/Dickinson (WEDI)
House Council Advisor of the Year-This is an individual award given to the senior staff member who best demonstrates a high level of commitment and support to the house council that they advise. This individual has gone above and beyond their duties as an advisor and has made immense positive impacts on the individuals and community they work with.
House Council Advisor of the Year
Christopher Dang
House Council Advisor of the Year
Samantha Collette
Senior Staff Member of the Year-This is an individual award given to the senior staff member who best demonstrates a high level of commitment and leadership, to the community in which they work. This individual has gone above and beyond their duties and has made immense positive impacts on the individuals and community they work with.
Senior Staff Member of the Year
Clement Boaheng
Senior Staff Member of the Year
Karl Lyn
Senior Staff Member of the Year
Presia Kegler
- IMPACT Award- This unique leadership award gives special recognition to someone who has demonstrated positive social change in a residential community. This person has made an IMPACT through their self-awareness, relationships, and leadership.
IMPACT Award |
Kairo Serna |
IMPACT Award |
Crystal Norwood |