As graduate program director, it is my responsibility to oversee PhD students' progress through their degree requirements and to help them navigate the bureaucratic and other hurdles to completing the program. If you have questions about the graduate program, I am the person to see. I am also happy to advise you, or steer you to the right resource, should you have problems of any sort that affect your career in the program.

The department website includes many links to useful resources for graduate students. Most important among these is the graduate handbook, which spells out in detail the requirements and regulations that govern the graduate program. If you're a prospective student, this handbook will give you a sense of how our graduate program works: its extensive mentoring system, its requirements and its pace. If you're a new student, you should download the handbook and read through it to familiarize yourself with its contents. If you're an advanced student, the handbook can help you deal with forming a dissertation committee and completing the necessary paperwork to advance to candidacy on schedule.

Should you want to see me, drop in during my office hours or email me.

Rajesh Bhatt, graduate program director