How to Browse Student Work on ScholarWorks

ScholarWorks@UMassAmherst Libraries allows you to browse collections of graduate student publications. To search for master's theses or doctoral dissertations, please follow the guidelines below.



To Search by Degree

  1. Hover over the "Discover ScholarWorks" menu.
  2. Select "Dissertations & Theses" under the "Communities" category.
  3. Select "By Degree" in the filters.
  4. Scroll down and select the degree you are looking for. 

* You can also select other filters to search by, such as "By Subject," "By Author," "By Title," and "By Advisor."


To Search Specifically "Landscape Architecture" or "Regional Planning"

  1. Click the magnifying glass in the search box in the center of the ScholarWorks homepage. This will bring you to an advanced search screen.
  2. Click the "All of ScholarWorks" dropdown on the left side of the search tab.
  3. Type "dissertations and theses" under "Search for a community or collection."
  4. Select the "Dissertations & Theses" option that appears.
  5. Type "landscape architecture" or "regional planning" or both. 



Looking for Undergraduate Work?

Visit Studio Projects.