Other Moons
Writing is something that happens in phases, but so too is the way we accept it. I’ll explain. When I write I feel all at once captivated and captive, held and hurt, lost and loved.
Movies: It’s All in the Writing
Engaging with different artforms is a great way to generate new material.
The Purr
For a long time I’ve described writing as trying to move a wall by pounding it with my head. But now it’s harder. I am productivity’s kryptonite. I feel incorporeal (despite the pain and sickness grounding me to my body in small eternities).
2 Black Girl Magic Books, 2 Prompts
We finally have more books with Black girls on the cover, yay! Here are two Black girl magic books that came out this year that I’m loving. Have fun and try out the prompts inspired by each book.
Painting, Letters & Displacement
Write an abecedarian after Evie Shockley’s “tonight i saw” poem. Focus on an image that inspires you.
Inspiration in the Everyday
People often think of writing as a mystical exercise: A writer sits down in solitude and selects a pen, smooths a sheet of pristine paper, and spills out prose or poetry from a place of secret inspiration.
On the Art of Exercising Words into Poems
Like how the moon has many phases and faces, the poet too has fluctuating moments of creativity. So, whenever a low tide comes to shore and poems need to be written, writing prompts become a go-to solution.