Tapping Into Non Traditional Sources of Knowledge
Thursday, April 29, 2021
One of my earliest creative writing teachers was Yasiin Bey. Not in any classroom, mind you. I was near obsessed with his rhyme patterns and the imagery in his raps. I would sit in my room and play...
Flash Fiction Crash Course
Thursday, April 29, 2021
Flash fiction and short stories are two forms of short fiction storytelling. Flash fiction differs from short stories in numerous ways, though what those differences are depends mostly on who you...
The Purr
Thursday, April 29, 2021
For a long time I’ve described writing as trying to move a wall by pounding it with my head. But now it’s harder. I am productivity’s kryptonite. I feel incorporeal (despite the pain and sickness...
Movies: It’s All in the Writing
Thursday, April 29, 2021
Engaging with different artforms is a great way to generate new material. No matter what genre you write in, you can learn so much by sitting down with some snacks and watching movies or binge...
Other Moons
Thursday, April 29, 2021
Writing is something that happens in phases, but so too is the way we accept it. I’ll explain. When I write I feel all at once captivated and captive, held and hurt, lost and loved. It seems that...
The Missing Cat
Tuesday, April 13, 2021
One of my favourite things about my writing space is that it is as intentionally placed for the act of not-writing as it is for writing. The windows in this picture overlook my landlords’ yard,...