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Field Trips

Mid-week field trips during Week One of the Juniper Institute for Young Writers residential program are chaperoned by Juniper staff & Creative Writing Instructors, and guided by tour guides at the destination. These trips encourage participants to pull inspiration from and write alongside the many engaging sites that Amherst and surrounding towns have to offer. In summer 2024, we offered trips to the Emily Dickinson Museum, Smith College Museum of Museum, Beneski Museum of Natural History at Amherst College, and the W. E. B Du Bois Center at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Stay tuned for updates for summer 2025.

Participants will have the option during the weekend between Week One and Week Two to go on a weekend excursion chaperoned by Pre-College @ UMass Amherst; previous trips have included Six Flags New England, MassMoCA, and Yankee Candle Village. Entrance tickets and transportation are covered in the cost of tuition, but participants should plan to bring their own spending money for souvenirs or special exhibits.