IT Minor Course Requirements
Courses for the IT Minor must be distributed across four categories:
Foundation (x1) - A comprehensive basis for IT
Technical (x2) - In-depth study of technical subject in programming, software, data management, or the internet
Broadened Inquiry (x1) - IT in a broader context, such as public policy, historical, cultural, legal, or an area of theory and research
Elective (x2) - IT knowledge/skills applied to a specific field of study; may include extra technical or broadened inquiry courses
Credit Requirements
Minimum required credits and courses are 6 courses (18 credits).
Transferred Courses: Acceptance of transfer credit from another institution is not assured and must be pre-approved. A maximum of one transfer course is allowed. This can only be used to fulfill the elective category and must have received a grade of B or better. If you have transfer credit for computing classwork or computer science AP credit, please speak with the IT Program advisor.
Foundation Waiver: The foundation course can only be waived for equivalent coursework. We have no way of evaluating learning you may have done on your own through work experience.
If the Foundation course is waived, a minimum of 5 courses (15 credits) is required.
Other Requirements
Extra Broadened Inquiry and Technical courses may be used to satisfy Elective Requirements.
Electives cannot be used to satisfy Broadened Inquiry or Technical Requirements.
Foundation courses cannot be used to satisfy any other category.
At least two of the courses used to complete the IT Minor must be taken outside of your major.
Students must have a minimum 2.00 cumulative GPA for courses applied to the minor and may only count one grade below a C (2.0) toward the minor.
The IT Program follows the University's double-dipping rules. No more than two courses used to fulfill the requirements of any one credential may be applied toward the fulfillment of another credential, wherein "credential" is defined as an academic program (major, minor, or certificate).
Per University regulation, a course may only be applied to two credentials.
If you are pursuing a minor or certificate that may overlap with your major, be sure to speak to the IT Program advisor.
Course Planning
IT Minor students may find it useful to track their progress in the minor using a course planner. Contact the IT Program advisor if you have any questions.