Would you like to live, work, and learn in Italy for up to eight months after you graduate? You can, if you major in Italian Studies at UMass Amherst!

Our students, graduate and undergraduate, can participate in the Lombardia High Schools Internship program through the SITE Program. Students who participate in the program assist local teachers as native speakers of English in high schools that offer part of their curriculum in English. Students participating in the internship receive a stipend from the regional government of Lombardy, mentoring, and logistical support from the host institution, but must pay for their own flight to Italy.

Demonstration of Interest 

Students interested in this program should contact Dr. Melina Masterson, indicating: the period in which they would like to participate in the internship program and the expected date of graduation. The Italian Studies program requests a letter of interest, including motivation, interest in the program, and a self-introduction, as part of the application to the program.

Preference will be given to three graduating students who have achieved excellent results in Italian Studies and who intend to pursue a career as teachers of Italian or who are interested in obtaining the state certification as teachers of Italian in K12 schools after receiving their BA. The application and selection process begins as soon as the call for applications is issued by the SITE coordinating office, hosted by the Instituto ITTM Artemisia Gentileschi in Milan, Italy, usually in mid- to-late February for the fall of the following year. Letters of interest should be ready for the spring semester, prior to applying.