302 Herter Hall
Office Hours: by appointment


  • BA Dartmouth College (1973)
  • MA Middlebury College (1978)
  • MS University of Washington (1986)
  • PhD University of Massachusetts, Amherst (2002)

Research Areas

  • Socio-spatial aspects of Italian literature (including regional literatures, land use, and environmental questions)
  • Italian regionalism in the European Union
  • the role of Italy (especially Venezia and Sicilia) as a “cultural mediator” between ‘East’ and ‘West’
  • Napoli and the culture of  the South
  • the activities of  Italian anarchist Luigi Galleani in Barre, Vermont.


Published Papers:

  • Literature of the Sienese contrada: its functional and existential significance, in Rondas literarias de Pittsburgh 2006-2007  (2008)
  • Space and its role as a medium for human interaction in Rosetta Loy’s Strade di polvere, in Romance Languages Annual VI (1994).