ISI Soiree, September 23 at The Old Chapel

The Interdisciplinary Studies Institute is very pleased to invite you to an interdisciplinary soiree at the Old Chapel, Monday, September 23, 2019, 4:30-6:30 PM. Please join us for canapes and drinks and interdisciplinary conversation.

Besides enjoying the company and the food and drink, the purpose of the soiree is to provide an informal occasion for you to make connections with others outside your discipline who share your research interests and to initiate the formation of interdisciplinary working groups with a shared focus. If you plan to attend and you already participate in such an interdisciplinary working group, could you let us know what that group's focus is, whether it welcomes new participants, and whether you would be willing to speak briefly about it at the soiree?

If you have a colleague who already participates in an interdisciplinary working group or who is interested in doing so, but who did not get this invitation, please pass it on to them and encourage them to attend.

Please let us know whether you will be attending, so that we can plan the catering. Thank you to everyone who has already sent an RSVP. It has been received and we look forward to seeing you at the event.

Thank you very much. We look forward to seeing you on the 23rd!