University of Massachusetts Amherst

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April 2015- Dissertation Defense

Joelle A. Labastide               April 2, 2015 (Thursday)       11:00 a.m.      Goessmann 153

Time- and Polarization-Resolved Photoluminescence Studies of Directional Coupling in Isolated Semiconductor Nanostructures”

Research Adviser: Michael D. Barnes

Cornelius Taabazuing          April 3, 2015 (Friday)            1:00 pm           Goessman 153

Inhibition and Cofactor Targeting of Hypoxia-Sensing Enzymes”

Research Adviser:       Michael J. Knapp

Welcome Back IMSD/NEAGEP/PREP Dinner

We would like to officially welcome everyone back for the 2014-2015 academic year! We hope that everyone was able to have a good summer and at least have a little bit of a break. The turn out for our most recent dinner was amazing. Over 40 students and faculty came to reconnect and meet all of the new students that we accepted into our program. Dinner was phenomenal with it's Puerto Rican flair. Between the pork, and rice, and flan, there was something for everyone to enjoy.

Dr. Nestor Chévere

On Tuesday April 29th we have the visit of another NEAGEP alumnus, Dr.
Nestor Chévere.

He is a faculty member in the Chemistry Department at AIC. The presentation
will be on Tuesday, April 29th at 5:30 in the Honors Lounge-- Please join us
to welcome him back.

February Dinner

It was another great gathering for the monthly dinner, despite the terrible weather from earlier in the day. Yet again, there was a delicious pizza party with food provided from Bruno's.  Even though there were no planned activities, students stayed and chatted for over two hours. It was a great time to discuss their current classes, research findings, and get to learn more about one another. Overall, it appeared that everyone had a great time as laughter and chatter could be heard around the 5th floor. 

Game Night


Game night was a great way to start off this new semester. Everyone was excited to see that we had pizza and soda for dinner and that we even had specialty pizzas including buffalo chicken, meat lovers, and a chicken, bacon ranch pizza. Once eating was out of the way, the real fun began.
