In the sixth meeting of the Instructional Innovation Fellows (IIF) this March, Li Hou and Kelsey Whipple presented on the topics of using Tik Tok in Chinese language learning to make language learning more relevant and connected to students and the importance of collaboratively creating classroom standards to promote safe and inclusive learning communities respectively.

  • Tik Tok makes language learning more relevant and connected to students.
  • Classroom standards and participation agreements promote safe and inclusive learning communities.


We opened the meeting with a brief discussion about the survey results from a mid-program survey the fellows completed. As this is our first Instructional Innovation Fellowship, we greatly value input from fellows on what to improve in the future. Many thoughtful and actionable ideas arose from the survey, such as being more strategic with meeting times, finding ways to build community and networks outside the fellowship meetings, and considering alternative presentation formats.

We look forward to enhancing our next fellowship experience!