About TTT

IDEAS is excited to partner with faculty members across disciplines to present Teach-Tech-Talks (TTT) monthly. TTT aims to create a community of practice for UMass instructors to share insights, strategies, and experiences with leveraging technology in the classroom, with presentations open to all members of the campus community. 

Each meeting will feature a main presentation, followed by a Q&A and group discussion. TTT workshops are open for anyone in the UMass instructor community to join and are available through synchronous Zoom sessions or in-person meetings in Bartlett 314.

You can sign up for upcoming events, read about previous TTT workshops, and check out our list of speakers below. 

TTT 2023-2024 Speakers

Isenberg School of Management

Susan Boyer
Susan Boyer is a Lecturer in the Operations and Information Management Department at the Isenberg School of Management. She teaches courses using a Flex model, combining face-to-face and online learners. Additionally, she is Isenberg’s Director of Instructional Technology where she cultivates and supports technologies and best practices in instructional design for the purpose of improving better learning outcomes for students. As an IIF fellow, she will present on her experiences and approach to using various technologies, such as gifs, to increase student engagement in both in person and online classes.
Susan Boyer

Journalism Department

Jennie Donohue Headshot
Jennie Donohue is a Senior Lecturer II and Director of the Public Relations Concentration in the Journalism Department, in the College of Social & Behavioral Science (SBS). She's also the faculty adviser to the Public Relations (PR) Student Club. In her teaching, Jennie strives to help students develop industry-relevant skills, as well as learn how to more effectively communicate and collaborate with each other. As an IDEAS 2023-2024 Instructional Innovation (IIF) Fellow, she presented ideas for how to leverage social media and other online/visual/digital media tools and channels to encourage peer-to-peer learning.
Jennie Donohue Headshot

Italian Studies Undergraduate Program Director, Senior Lecturer

Melina Masterson headshot
Melina Masterson holds a doctorate in Italian Literary and Cultural Studies at the University of Connecticut. Her research interests primarily revolve around 20th and 21st-century Italian literature, delving into cultural studies and popular culture analyses. Additionally, her expertise extends to media studies and second language acquisition and pedagogy, where she explores the intricate dynamics of language learning and teaching methodologies. Dr. Masterson has written extensively for mass-market textbooks and Open Educational Resources (OERs), often incorporating advanced technology:
Melina Masterson headshot

Physics Department

Brokk Toggerson Headshot
Brokk Toggerson is a Sr. Lecturer in the Physics Department. Primarily, he teaches physics for biology majors and writing to physics majors; he also teaches principles of education and principles of public speaking to new Ph.D. students. Technology, in the service of equity, is key in his work, especially as his physics for bio-majors courses are large: 200 - 600 students per semester. As an IIF fellow, he will present on various technologies, including Discord, 3-D printing, fully flex integration with a large lecture, Moodle-based exams, Perusall, and the ways he's integrated them in his teaching.
Brokk Toggerson Headshot

Teacher Education & Curriculum Studies

Torrey Trust Headshot
Torrey Trust is an Associate Professor of Learning Technology in the Teacher Education & Curriculum Studies Dpartment of the College of Education. In that role, she has developed several innovations in her teaching, and as an IIF fellow, she will present on some of the following strategies she's utilized: ungrading/self-grading; using Jamboard as a collaborative class drawing tool; having students collaboratively design open educational resources (OER); and using blended learning approaches to improve class flexibility, digital accessibility, and more.
Torrey Trust Headshot