December 7, 2023
Emerging Technologies, Teach-Tech-Talks (TTT), Teaching and Learning
Dr. Susan Boyer Headshot

Teach-Tech -Talks (TTT) Session 2: Dr. Susan Boyer

On Thursday, December 7, the IDEAS team held the second session of the Teach-Tech-Talks (TTT) series. The guest speaker was Dr. Susan Boyer, an experienced instructor from the Isenberg School of Management. Having played a significant role in the initial pilot of Canvas, Dr. Boyer has extensive experience with grading both in-person and online students. In her talk, she shared practical tips and strategies that have made her grading process on Canvas more efficient and engaging. Her advice provided useful pointers for faculty members aiming to improve their use of Canvas. 

Here are the top 10 ways from Dr. Boyer to maximize LMS Canvas for efficient grading:

Select a section title below to find out more about these innovative Canvas strategies.

These tips and tricks are more than just features; they are ways to make the grading process not only efficient but also a part of a holistic educational experience. By integrating these into your Canvas workflow, you can significantly enhance your and your student's experience in the educational journey.

Read also Dr. Toggerson’s session on 3D and Equity, and stay tuned for our next session!