
Kelly Klingler is a faculty member in the Department of Environmental Conservation at UMass Amherst. As a conservation biologist, Kelly’s research interests focus on the population genetics of imperiled species as well as non-invasive wildlife monitoring, ecology, and management. Kelly teaches several courses within the Natural Resources Conservation (NRC) major where she emphasizes: i) experiential fieldwork and service learning, ii) data science skills, and iii) contemplative pedagogy. Using an active-learning and often team-based approach, Kelly strives to cultivate a sense of belonging for all students in the life sciences through development and participation in Course Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs). As an IIF Fellow, Kelly will present on some of the strategies she’s used to facilitate student engagement including “Think Pair Share” exercises, Slido polling software, data science practice using specific CURE modules, as well as opportunities for personal reflection through 5-minute free writes during class.