Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences
427K Integrated Science Building
661 North Pleasant Street
Amherst, MA 01003
(413) 545-6327
Professor of Veterinary and Animal Sciences
Department Head
My area of research focuses on the role NOTCH1 signaling plays in autoimmune responses. We are currently investigating how NOTCH signaling contributes to pathology and disease progression during immune-mediated bone marrow failure (BMF). We have established two new models of BMF, both of which are highly representative of the human immune-meditated BMF syndrome, Aplastic Anemia. In our first model, we transfer bulk splenocytes from a parental C57BL/6 strain into recipient mice that are the F1 hybrid progeny of a C57BL/6 x BALB/c cross. The result is a robust graft-versus-host response whereby the transferred splenocytes selectively target the bone marrow for destruction. The onset of disease is precipitous and symptoms include loss of repopulating stem cells from the bone marrow and immune cells from the periphery, infiltration of destructive CD4+ and CD8+ T cells into the recipient BM, as well as increased levels of the pro-inflammatory cytokines, interferonγ and TNF in the circulation. Our “humanized” model utilizes a recently developed transgenic mouse strain, Nod/SCID/IL2Rγcnull (NSG), in which BMF is induced following the transfer of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells.
Current Research
Using our two established models of BMF, we are continuing to probe the role of NOTCH1signaling in Aplastic Anemia. We are currently investigating how NOTCH1 cooperates with proteins essential for T cell activation to drive disease pathogenesis, as well as how novel target genes of NOTCH1 may contribute to Aplastic Anemia in the context of aberrant NOTCH1 signaling. We are also pursuing interdisciplinary collaborations we hope will allow us to specifically target NOTCH1signaling in the immune system using novel nanotechnology-based delivery platforms.
Academic Background
PhD University of Massachusetts, 2001
Postdoctoral training: UMass Amherst