David Sela

David A. Sela, PhD

Department of Food Science
340 Chenoweth Laboratory
Amherst, MA 01003

(413) 545-1010

IALS Interview with David

Associate Professor of Food Science

Our research seeks to better understand the mechanisms by which nutritive molecules promote health. We seek to solve chronic diseases primarily through preventative dietary and lifestyle adjustments.

Current Research

We use sequence-based genomic approaches to investigate the structure and function of microbial communities within the gut. These ecosystems are often collectively referred to as the human microbiome. In addition, we investigate mechanistic linkages between food and health emanating from host-microbial molecular interactions. 

We view microbes as the vehicle to deliver bioactive molecules, the bioactives themselves to be delivered, as well as the endogenous targets to manipulate in the human gastrointestinal tract. To address the latter, we investigate molecules derived from food to dictate the function of beneficial subpopulations within the gut. Our primary model in this endeavor is breast milk and its role in guiding the infant gut microbiome. Moreover, we seek to innovate the next generation of orally administered microbes, commonly referred to as probiotics. To this end, we seek partnerships with industrial and clinical partners in order to translate the scientific knowledge of our research activities.

Academic Background

BS State University of New York, New Paltz, 2003
MS University of California, Davis, 2006
PhD University of California, Davis 2010
Postdoctoral Training: Stanford University
Postdoctoral Training: Foods for Health Institute, University of California, Davis

  • Center for Bioactive Delivery 
  • Models to Medicine Center 
  • Small Molecule Delivery & Nutraceuticals 
  • Cell Based Therapies 
  • Host Microbe Interactions 
  • Microbial Communities 
  • Engineered Models and Mechanisms in Cancer (EM2C) 
  • Genetics, Genomics & Epigenetics 
  • Microbial and Metagenomics