Alexander Ribbe

Alexander Ribbe, PhD

B343 Silvio O. Conte National Center for Polymer Research
University of Massachusetts Amherst
120 Governors Drive
Amherst, MA 01003

Director, Electron Microscopy Center & Atomic Force Microscopy

Interm Director, X-Ray Scattering

Associated Facility / Faculty / Staff
  • Electron Microscopy

    Transmission (TEM) and Scanning (SEM) Electron Microscopes as well as related sample preparation equipment..

  • Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)

    Provide analytical and high resolution scanning probed based microscopy, including Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) related techniques as well as force measurements.

  • X-Ray Scattering Facility

    Housing several instruments dedicated to the structural analysis of crystalline materials, the determination of highly periodic morphologies in self-assembled systems over a large length scale range.

    • Core Facilities Staff