The Plant Cell Culture Library

Angelica archangelica

Cell Line ID: AA-14150 R1 C2
Media Type: B112
Availability: Low
Order: Apiales
Family: Apiaceae
Genus: Angelica
Genus Level ➡ 64 citations
Species Level ➡ 2 citations
Genus Level ➡ 1 citations
Genus Level ➡ 25 citations
Antiviral Citations:
  1. Neilsen, B.E. et al., Acta Chem. Scand., 1965, 19, 1810 (isol) []
  2. Kuznetsova, G.A. et al., Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. Transl.), 1966, 2, 252 (Pranferol)
  3. Abyshev, A.Z. et al., Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. Transl.), 1969, 5, 1; 1971, 7, 498; 1972, 8, 43 (isol, synth) []
  4. Ognyanov, I. et al., Dokl. Bolg. Akad. Nauk, 1971, 24, 315 (isol)
  5. Basa, S.C. et al., Tetrahedron Lett., 1971, 1977 (isol) []
  6. Chatterjea, A. et al., Tetrahedron, 1972, 28, 5175 (isol) []
  7. Reisch, J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1975, 14, 1889- 1890 (Pabulenone) []
  8. Babu, K. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull., 1981, 29, 2565 (isol) []
  9. Méndez, J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1983, 22, 2599 (isol) []
  10. Grande, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1986, 25, 505 (isol) []
  11. Adebajo, A.C. et al., Fitoterapia, 2000, 71, 334- 337 (pmr) []
  12. Zhou, P. et al., Phytochemistry, 2000, 53, 689 (R-form, Pranferol, activity) []
  13. Stavri, M. et al., Planta Med., 2003, 69, 956- 959 (isol, pmr, cmr)
  14. Xiao, W.-L. et al., Arch. Pharmacal Res., 2007, 30, 799- 802 (glucoside) []
  15. Jain, A.C. et al., Indian J. Chem., 1969, 7, 1072- 1075 (synth)
  16. Bajwa, B.S. et al., Curr. Sci., 1972, 41, 814- 815 (Psoralea corylifolia constit)
  17. Delle Monache, G. et al., Gazz. Chim. Ital., 1974, 104, 861- 865 (4-Hydroxyderricin)
  18. Kobayshi, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull., 1985, 33, 3811- 3816 (Glycyrrhiza uralensis constit) []
  19. Baba, K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1990, 29, 3907- 3910 (Xanthoangelols) []
  20. Okuyama, T. et al., Planta Med., 1991, 57, 242- 246 (4-Hydroxyderricin, Xanthoangelol E) []
  21. Pistelli, L. et al., Phytochemistry, 1996, 42, 1455- 1458 (Anthyllis hermanniae constit, struct) []
  22. Abegaz, B.M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 49, 1147- 1150 (4-Hydroxyisocordoin) []
  23. El-Sohly, H.N. et al., Planta Med., 2001, 67, 87- 89 (Psorachalcone A)
  24. Matsuura, M. et al., Planta Med., 2001, 67, 230- 235 (Xanthoangelol E, activity) []
  25. Cioffi, G. et al., J. Nat. Prod., 2003, 66, 1061- 1064 (4'-glucoside) []
  26. Yin, S. et al., Bioorg. Med. Chem., 2004, 12, 4387- 4392 (Psorachalcone A, activity) []
  27. Ngadjui, B.T. et al., Phytochemistry, 2005, 66, 687- 692 (Dorstenia barteri constit) []
  28. Takashima, J. et al., Planta Med., 2005, 71, 654- 658 (Brosimacutin M, activity) []
  29. Yu, L.-L. et al., Pol. J. Chem., 2005, 79, 1173- 1177 (Psorachalcone A)
  30. Ganapaty, S. et al., Nat. Prod. Commun., 2006, 1, 81- 85 (Heyneanachalcone)
  31. Mori-Hongo, M. et al., J. Nat. Prod., 2009, 72, 63- 71 (Lespedeza cyrtobotryta constit) []
  32. Park, J.-Y. et al., Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett., 2011, 21, 5602- 5604 (Xanthoangelol D, activity) []
  33. Trinh, P.T.N. et al., Coll. Czech. Chem. Comm., 2011, 76, 1133- 1139 (Drynaria fortunei constit) []
  34. Chokchaichamnankit, D. et al., Nat. Prod. Commun., 2011, 6, 1103- 1106 (Derris malaccensis constit)
  35. Sugamoto, K. et al., Tetrahedron, 2011, 67, 5346- 5359 (Isobavachalcone, 4-Hydroxyderricin, synth, activity) []
  36. Moreira, O. et al., Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett., 2012, 22, 225- 230 (Isobavachalcone, activity) []
  37. Liping, L. et al., Food Chem., 2012, 131, 992- 998 (Angelica keiskei constit)
  38. Nguyen, N.T. et al., J. Nat. Prod., 2012, 75, 1951- 1955 (Artocarmitins A,B,C) []
  39. Grealis, J.P. et al., Eur. J. Org. Chem., 2013, 332- 347 (synth)
  40. Shimomura, K. et al., Phytochemistry, 2013, 93, 222- 229 (Jejuchalcone A) []
  41. Wang, H. et al., Tetrahedron Lett., 2014, 55, 897- 899 (Isobavachalcone, synth) []
  42. Feng, Y. et al., Youji Huaxue, 2014, 34, 2015- 2020 (Brosimacutin M, synth)
  43. Kozawa, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull., 1977, 25, 515- 516 (Xanthoangelol) []
  44. Miyase, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull., 1980, 28, 1172- 1177 (Lespedeza cyrtobotrya constit) []
  45. Baba, K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1990, 29, 3907- 3910 (Xanthoangelol B) []
  46. Nakata, K. et al., Nat. Med. (Tokyo), 1999, 53, 329- 332 (Xanthoangelols F,G)
  47. Jayasinghe, L. et al., Phytochemistry, 2004, 65, 1287- 1290 (Artocarpus constits, activity) []
  48. Akihisa, T. et al., J. Nat. Prod., 2006, 69, 38- 42 (Xanthoangelol J, activity) []
  49. Jayasinghe, L. et al., Phytochemistry, 2006, 67, 1353- 1358 (5''-methoxy, Xanthoangelol B) []
  50. Fang, S.-C. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem., 2008, 56, 8859- 8868 (Artocarpus communis constit) []
  51. Aoki, N. et al., J. Nat. Prod., 2008, 71, 1308- 1310 (Xanthokeismin A) []
  52. Nguyen, T.D. et al., J. Nat. Prod., 2008, 71, 1696- 1700 (Amorpha fruticosa constit) []
  53. Shin, J.E. et al., Arch. Pharmacal Res., 2011, 34, 437- 442 (Δ3''-isomer 2''-hydroxy, activity)
  54. Park, J.-Y. et al., Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett., 2011, 21, 5602- 5604 (Xanthoangelol B, activity) []
  55. Sugamoto, K. et al., Tetrahedron, 2011, 67, 5346- 5359 (Xanthoangelol, Xanthoangelol F,synth, activity) []
  56. Ohnogi, H. et al., Biosci., Biotechnol., Biochem., 2012, 76, 961- 966 (Angelica keiskei constits, activity)
  57. Luo, L. et al., Food Chem., 2012, 131, 992- 998 (Xanthoangelol, activity) []
  58. Shimomura, K. et al., Phytochemistry, 2013, 93, 222- 229 (Jejuchalcones B,C) []
  59. Wang, H. et al., Tetrahedron Lett., 2014, 55, 897- 899 (synth) []
  60. Kakati, D. et al., Tetrahedron, 2014, 70, 637- 642 (Xanthoangelol J, synth, abs config) []
  61. Kil, Y.-S. et al., J. Nat. Prod., 2015, 78, 2481- 2487 (Angelica keiskei constits)
  62. Baba, K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1990, 29, 3907- 3910 (Xanthoangelol C, struct) []
  63. Park, J.-Y. et al., Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett., 2011, 21, 5602- 5604 (Xanthokeistal A) []
  64. Kil, Y.-S. et al., J. Nat. Prod., 2015, 78, 2481- 2487 (ethylene acetal)
Antifungal Citations:
  1. Fraternale D, Flamini G, Ricci D. Essential oil composition and antimicrobial activity of Angelica archangelica L. (Apiaceae) roots. J Med Food. 2014 Sep;17(9):1043-7. [] Epub 2014 May 2. PubMed PMID: 24788027.
  2. Wedge DE, Klun JA, Tabanca N, Demirci B, Ozek T, Baser KH, Liu Z, Zhang S, Cantrell CL, Zhang J. Bioactivity-guided fractionation and GC/MS fingerprinting of Angelica sinensis and Angelica archangelica root components for antifungal and mosquito deterrent activity. J Agric Food Chem. 2009 Jan 28;57(2):464-70. [] PubMed PMID: 19113871.
Trypanocidal Citations:
  1. Schinella GR, Tournier HA, Prieto JM, Ríos JL, Buschiazzo H, Zaidenberg A. Inhibition of Trypanosoma cruzi growth by medical plant extracts. Fitoterapia. 2002 Dec;73(7-8):569-75. PubMed PMID: 12490214.
Anticancer Citations:
  1. Nielsen, B.E. et al., Acta Chem. Scand., 1964, 18, 1379, 2111 (isol) []
  2. Soine, T.O. et al., J. Pharm. Sci., 1964, 53, 275 (struct)
  3. Neilsen, B.E. et al., Acta Chem. Scand., 1965, 19, 601, 1810 (Peulustrin, Isopeulustrin,Columbianadinoxide) []
  4. Shipchandler, M. et al., J. Pharm. Sci., 1968, 57, 747 (struct, ms) []
  5. Bohlmann, F. et al., Chem. Ber., 1969, 102, 1673
  6. Lemmich, E. et al., Acta Chem. Scand., 1970, 24, 2893 []
  7. Shipchandler, M. et al., J. Pharm. Sci., 1970, 59, 67 (synth) []
  8. Lemmich, J. et al., Acta Chem. Scand., 1971, 25, 344 (isol) []
  9. Steck, W. et al., Can. J. Chem., 1971, 49, 1197 (synth) []
  10. Perel'son, M.E. et al., Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. Transl.), 1971, 7, 692 (pmr, derivs) []
  11. Hata, K. et al., Yakugaku Zasshi, 1972, 92, 1289 (isol) []
  12. Bandopadhyay, M. et al., Indian J. Chem., 1974, 12, 23 (synth)
  13. Hosoya, K. et al., Yakugaku Zasshi, 1974, 94, 309 (isol)
  14. Nikonov, G.K. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin., 1976, 10, 41 (cmr)
  15. Dukhovlinova, L.I. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin., 1980, 16, 832 (Secrolin)
  16. McHale, D. et al., Phytochemistry, 1987, 26, 2547 (glucoside) []
  17. Van Wagenen, B.C. et al., J. Nat. Prod., 1988, 51, 136 (glycosides) []
  18. Liu, J.H. et al., Chin. Chem. Lett., 1993, 4, 885 (Angelidiol)
  19. Liu, J.-H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 49, 211- 213 (propanoyl) []
  20. Murray, R.D.H., Prog. Chem. Org. Nat. Prod., 2002, 83, 1- 619 (rev)
  21. Awale, S. et al., Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett., 2006, 16, 581- 583 (Angelmarin) []
  22. Chang, H. et al., Magn. Reson. Chem., 2007, 45, 611- 614 (Peucedanoside B)
  23. Magolan, J. et al., JOC, 2009, 74, 5083- 5086 (Angelmarin, synth) []
  24. Harris, E.B.J. et al., Tet. Lett., 2011, 52, 6887- 6889 (Columbianetin, Angelmarin, synth) []
  25. Beare, K.D. et al., Tet. Lett., 2013, 54, 1056- 1058 (synth) []

Inquiries regarding the purchase of Plant cell lines or other PCCL services can be directed to Michael Daley


The establishment of the PCCL has been sponsored by National Science Foundation (NSF/DBI-156 1572), United States Department of Agriculture Massachusetts Experiment Station Award (MAS00496), the Science and Technology fund from the President's office of the University of Massachusetts, and the 2016 UMass Amherst Armstrong Fund for Science.

National Science Foundation Center for Agriculture, Food and the Environment