Mechanisms of Neural Function & Dysfunction

Models to Medicine Center

Mechanisms of Neural Function & Dysfunction

Understanding the mechanisms underlying reproduction, embryonic and nervous system development and related disease processes

Genetic and environmental factors that disrupt developmental processes either in the embryo or later in life can result in a range of disorders including cancer and neurodegenerative diseases that arise throughout the lifespan. Indeed, early defects in the development of the nervous system are associated with disorders like autism (affecting 1 in 68 US children) and many adult-onset neurological diseases are thought to have developmental antecedents.

The Mechanisms of Neural Function & Dysfunction research theme comprises a group of neuroscientists and developmental biologists from four different departments in the College of Natural Sciences whose individual research is focused on understanding the mechanisms underlying reproduction and embryonic development, the formation and function of the nervous system, and related disease processes.

In addition to studies with human subjects, the group employs a range of in vitro and in vivo model systems that allow the use of forward and reverse genetics, epigenetics, genomics, pharmacology, physiology, and behavioral assays to probe gene function in normal and disease states. Understanding both the normal and dysregulated processes that mediate these disorders is critical for the development of improved diagnostics and therapeutics.

Contact Information
David Moorman, Psychological and Brain Sciences

Mechanisms of Neural Function & Dysfunction Fact Sheet

Fact Sheet

Advancing Our Understanding of Brain Function and Dysfunction

Shh Respond Cells Adult MosaicRK - Karlstrom
  • M2M Research Theme 

Neurodevelopment, Degeneration, and Regeneration

Neurodegenerative diseases have devastating consequences for the patients and their families and represent a major health burden to the economy, especially as baby-boomers age. While there have been modest advances in diagnostics, there are few effective treatments for the wide range of disorders that strike young adults and the elderly (e.g., Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, Amyotropic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), Huntington’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis) as well as neurodegenerative pathologies and dementia associated with traumatic brain injury, alcoholism, and chronic drug use. A key theme of this research theme is recognizing and embracing the importance of basic neurobiology, behavior, and cognition in the study of neurodegenerative diseases.

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 Stages of rodent mammary gland development - Vandenberg
  • M2M Research Theme 

Hormones, Stress, and Disease

A nationally recognized group of faculty has formed a Center for Neuroendocrine Studies which emphasizes interdisciplinary and collaborative studies on the interactions between hormones, brain function, and behavior.

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Noradrenergic tone mediates marble burying behavior after chronic stress and ethanol
  • M2M Research Theme 

Translational Behavioral Neuroscience

Disorders of the nervous system manifest in the form of neurodegenerative disease (e.g., Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Huntington’s diseases), psychiatric disorders (e.g., drug addiction and alcoholism, schizophrenia, depression, and ADHD) and pervasive developmental disorders, such as autism spectrum disorder. The common fundamental element linking all of these nervous system disorders is that they are all characterized by disturbances in behavioral function, encompassing domains including cognition, motor control, and affect.

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Mechanisms Of Neural Function & Dysfunction - Faculty

A listing of associated faculty and staff for Mechanisms Of Neural Function & Dysfunction.

Listing of People

Diane Kelly
  • Adjunct Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences 

Diane Kelly

ChangHui Pak, PhD
  • Associate Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 

ChangHui Pak

Yubing Sun, PhD
  • Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineerin 

Yubing Sun

Frank Sup
  • Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering 

Frank Sup

Guangyu Xu, PhD
  • Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering 

Guangyu Xu

Jun Yao
  • Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering 

Jun Yao