Models to Medicine Center
Improving the health of people and domestic animals
Antimicrobials and Drug Resistance
Many pathogenic microbes have developed resistance to current antibiotics with devastating societal, economic and human health impacts. Microbial drug resistance significantly increases the length of hospitalization, complicates the treatment of other conditions, may require the use of more toxic alternative treatments and can leave no therapeutic options.
Microbial Interactions and Pathogenesis
Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus and other human pathogens including Listeria monocytogenes secrete virulence factors that help to downregulate human innate immunity thus increasing the probability of infection.
Modulation of T cell Signaling and Effector
Individuals in societies that are served by excellent public health and effective use of childhood vaccines are still at risk of autoimmune diseases, malignancies, inflammatory pathology associated with ingestion/inhalation of toxic substances, traumatic injury and organ failure. At least some of these conditions could be alleviated by targeted regulation of signaling pathways that control responses of effector and regulatory T cells.
Vaccine Development
Zoonotic infectious diseases impact human health and curtail food production nationally and internationally. The vaccine research focus aims to lower the threat to humans from animal infectious reservoirs and increase food production by developing novel vaccination strategies for animals, and by generating tools that increase the resolution of their immune responses.