IALS Announces Inaugural Graduate Student Fellows for 2024

Krishna Live Cell Protein Labeling

IALS is excited to announce the inaugural one-year translational Graduate Student Fellows for 2024! 

We define translational research as work that aims to inform or to develop product candidates, technologies, and services that deliver benefits to human health and well-being.

The Center for Bioactive Delivery Fellows are Debnath Maharshi, Chemical Engineering (Kulkarni lab) and Makhaik Sparsh, Chemistry (Hardy lab). The Center for Personalized Health Monitoring Fellows are Balaji Vibha, Biomedical Engineering (Dutta lab), Brancati Ross, Kinesiology (Boyer lab), Safarzadeh Meysam, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering (Du lab), and Raghuraman Rajagopalan, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering (Srimathveeravalli lab). The Models to Medicine Center Fellows are Xinjian Doris He, Veterinary & Animal Sciences (Mager lab) and Kane Griffin, Biomedical Engineering (Atukorale lab).

Funding was provided by IALS, the Center for Bioactive Delivery, the Center for Personalized Health Monitoring, and the Models to Medicine Center.
