Health Tech for the People Announces Spring 2024 Graduate Student Fellows

Research Themes:
  • Health Tech for the People 
CPHM health tech for the people

Health Tech for the People (HT4P), funded by IALS/CPHM, is a new thrust focusing on the ethics of technology and accountable, human-centered design, evaluation and translation of health monitoring technologies for the public interest. This research foci incubates interdisciplinary and community-led teams and technologies in the domains of aging care and reproductive health.

HT4P is a graduate student fellows program. We are excited to announce the Graduate Student Fellows for Spring 2024. Each fellow will receive up to $1500, with a minimum award of $1000.

  • Bhawana Chhaglani-College of Information & Computer Sciences (Shenoy lab)
  • Truc Do-Psychological and Brain Sciences (Grabell lab)
  • Cory Gatrall-School of Nursing (Walker lab)
  • Xiao Liu-College of Information & Computer Sciences (Guan lab)
  • Miaomiao Shen-School of Nursing (Walker lab)
  • Yuzhen Zhang-Food Science (He lab)

The purpose of the HT4P graduate fellowship is to encourage graduate students to integrate considerations of ethics of technology and accountable, human-centered design, evaluation and translation of health monitoring technologies for the public interest into their program of research with mentorship support and community.

HT4P draws on expertise and existing collaborations across and beyond IALS/CPHM, including partnerships with the Public Interest Technology initiative, the Center for Nursing and Engineering Innovation, the Center for Community Health Equity Research, the Massachusetts AI & Technology Center for Connected Care in Aging & Alzheimer’s Disease and the Computational Social Science Institute. The thrust serves as a resource and consultation space for all of IALS and CPHM, offering interdisciplinary and community-directed expertise for IALS researchers and innovators on human-centered design and the ethics of tech and engagement with community partners/co-creators.

Congratulations to the HT4P Spring 2024 Graduate Student Fellows!

Learn more about Health Tech for the People.
