Core Facility Rates


Internal (UMass)


Printing Services
SLS - EOS P110 (nylon-12) $0.09/cc $0.16/cc
FFF - Markforged Onyx and Continuous Fiber 2.5x Mat'l Cost 3.5x Mat'l Cost
Objet - Connex350 Multi-material 2.5x Mat'l Cost 3.5x Mat'l Cost
Metal - Steels & Nickel Alloys Contact us for price quote
Hourly Equipment
Laser Cutter (Spirit GLS 80W) $12.60/hour $21/hour
Wire EDM $13.65/hour $21/hour
Daily Equipment
EOS M290 (Metal DMLS) $378/day $577.50/day
Optomec LENS 450 (Metal DED) $262.50/day $420/day
Material Testing Equipment
Instron Electropuls E10000 $105/day $183.75/day
Engineering/Design & Lab Services
Lab Technician $52.50/hour $84/hour
Design Engineering (Junior) $52.50/hour $84/hour
Design Engineering (Senior) $141.75/hour $210/hour


  1. Equipment use requires completion of safety training through UMass EH&S and paid training with ADDFab staff
  2. Support for untrained users is available at lab technician rates
  3. Please contact Dave Follette with any questions
  4. Prices effective July 1, 2024. Rates through June 30, 2025-FY25 Specialized Service Center Approved Fees
Services Internal Other Academic Industry
IVIS $85/hour $115/hour $150/hour
Bruker uCT $74/hour $100/hour $130/hour
Technical Services $80/hour $115/hour $158/hour

FY25 Specialized Service Center Approved Fees
Service Line Description Type of Unit Campus Other
Transgenics, Chimeras, CRISPR KO/KI Microinjection Injection $1,739.89 $2,287.96 $3,008.76
CRISPR gRNA Design Sample $323.75 $425.72 $559.76
CRISPR gRNA Synthesis Sample $604.54 $794.97 $1,003.23
Embryo transfer (surgical) Transfer $1,407.35 $1,850.66 $2,433.30
Embryo transfer (non-surgical) Transfer $844.41 $1,110.40 $1,459.98
DNA Extraction and PCR Genotyping Sample $16.25 $21.37 $28.10
Xenograft and Similar Surgery Mouse $116.05 $152.60 $200.64
Tail Vein Injection Mouse $31.50 $41.42 $54.46
Customized Service/Time Hour $194.55 $194.55 $336.39
Training Hour $109.50 $144.01 $189.34
Rates are subject to change, contact facility to verify current fees.
FY25 Specialized Service Center Approved Fees
Service Line Campus Other Academic Industry
Any Instrument (AFM, Nanoindenter) $26/hour $160/hour $160/hour
Any Instrument (AFM, Nanoindenter) with Staff Assistance $47/hour $256/hour $265/hour
Any Instrument (AFM, Nanoindenter) with Director Assistance   $320/hour $320/hour
AFM Probes: sold at cost
Rates are subject to change, contact facility to verify current fees.
FY25 Specialized Service Center Approved Fees
Service Line Internal (UMass) Other Academic External
BioCore T200 $250/day $330.75/day $430/day
MicroCal-iTC200 $190/day $246.75/day $325/day
Li-Cor Odyssey Imaging Microscale Thermophoresis $10.50/hour $15.75/hour $21/hour
NanoTemper Microscale $26.25/hour $36.75/hour $45/hour
Biotek Synergy 2 Plate Reader with Fluoroscene $6.30/hour $8.40/hour $16/hour
GE Typhoon Phosphorimager System $18/hour $23.10/hour $32/hour
Jasco J-1500 CD $22/hour $28.35/hour $38/hour
Training $78.75/hour $102.90/hour $137/hour
Dynamic Light Scattering
Malvern Nano Zetasizer ZSP
$15.75/hour $21/hour $26/hour
Wyatt Technologies GPC-MALS $15.75/hour $21/hour $26/hour
Beckman XL-I Analytical Ultracentrifuge with Aviv Fluorescence Detection $189/day $246.75/day $500/day
Formulatrix Fomulator $11.50/hour $15.75/hour $21/hour
Formulatrix NT8 dropsetter $13/hour $21/hour $21/hour
Formulatrix Rock Imager $10.50/hour $15.75/hour $21/hour
Rigaki-XRD $26.25/hour $36.75/hour $48/hour
Rigaki-Biosaxs $26.25/hour $36.75/hour $48/hour
Rates are subject to change, contact facility to verify current fees.
FY25 Specialized Service Center Approved Fees
Service Line Unit Campus Other Academic External
Lab Access (fermentation) Quarter $525 $682.50 $918.75
AKTA (4 hour min.) Hour $26.25 $36.75 $52.50
Fermentors (Basic–3L) Day $16.80 $21 $31.50
Fermentors (Complex–15L) Day $42 $52.50 $73.50
Minor equipment (cell disruptor,
centrifuge, Applicon (500 ml)
Hour $21 $26.25 $36.75
Technical Support Hour $78.75 $105 $136.50
Lab Access (Purification) Quarter $525 $682.50 $918.75
Rates are subject to change, contact facility to verify current fees.
FY25 Specialized Service Center Approved Fees
Service Line Campus Users Other Academic Institutions External Users
Facility Access Fee $265/quarter $340/quarter $525/quarter
Facility Access Fee-Additional Lab Member $105/quarter $135/quarter $210/quarter
PCCL Starter Culture $200 $260 $400
Mycoplasma Testing $30/each $40/each $60/each
Technical Service / Consultation $80/hour $105/hour $160/hour
Rates are subject to change and do not include shipping, contact facility to verify current fees.
FY25 Specialized Service Center Approved Fees
Service Line Unit Campus Users Other Academic
Small Room Calorimeter
(2 hour minimum)
Hour $50 $83 $88
Large Room Calorimeter Day $350 $578 $613
Motion Capture Hour $45 $75 $79
Exercise Training Room Hour $8 $14 $14
Exam Room
(includes tables, scale, carescape)
Hour $14 $24 $25
iDXA Scan $65 $108 $114
Exercise Testing Room Hour $22 $37 $39
Oroboros Hour $18 $30 $32
Lab Usage (Living Science) Hour $15 $25 $27
Actigraph Link Day $8 $14 $14
Actigraph GT3X+ Day $6 $10 $11
Shaker Hour $7 $12 $13
ActivPal Day $12 $20 $21
Cardiometabolic Testing Hour $18 $30 $32
GreenTeg Day $18 $30 $32
MoviSens ECG Day $20 $33 $35
MoviSens EDA Day $20 $33 $35
Biolog Day $27 $45 $48
Genectiv Day $26 $43 $46
VR Equipment Hour $40 $66 $70
VR Computer Day $14 $24 $25
Phlebotomy Each $17 $29 $30
Supervised Exercise Testing Each $80 $132 $140
Room S225 Tier 1 Hour $15 $25 $27
mHealth Data Server Month $100 $165 $175
Technician I Hour $55 $91 $97
Technician II Hour $65 $108 $114
Technician III Hour $90 $149 $158
Technician IV Hour $105 $174 $184
Technician V Hour $185 $306 $324

Rates are subject to change, contact facility to verify current fees.
*costs reflect the use of equipment by a PI/Partner furnished staff who have been certified for use by the Core Director, if staffing is required additional rates will apply.

FY25 Specialized Service Center Approved Fees

Service Line Rate
Collaboratory Bench Space Rental $900 monthly
Collaboratory Bench Space Rental-No Desk $850 monthly
FY25 Specialized Service Center Approved Fees
Service Line Internal (UMass) External
Printing Services
SLS - EOS P110 (nylon-12) $0.09/cc $0.16/cc
FFF - Markforged Onyx and Continuous Fiber 2.5x Mat'l Cost 3.5x Mat'l Cost
Objet - Connex350 Multi-material 2.5x Mat'l Cost 3.5x Mat'l Cost
Metal - Steels & Nickel Alloys Contact us for price quote
Hourly Equipment
Laser Cutter (Spirit GLS 80W) $12.60/hour $21/hour
Wire EDM $13.65/hour $21/hour
Daily Equipment
EOS M290 (Metal DMLS) $378/day $577.50/day
Optomec LENS 450 (Metal DED) $262.50/day $420/day
Material Testing Equipment
Instron Electropuls E10000 $105/day $183.75/day
Engineering/Design & Lab Services
Lab Technician $52.50/hour $84/hour
Design Engineering (Junior) $52.50/hour $84/hour
Design Engineering (Senior) $141.75/hour $210/hour


  1. Equipment use requires completion of safety training through UMass EH&S and paid training with ADDFab staff
  2. Support for untrained users is available at lab technician rates
  3. Please contact Dave Follette with any questions
  4. Prices effective July 1, 2024. Rates through June 30, 2025-FY25 Specialized Service Center Approved Fees
Service Line Campus Users Other Academic Institutions Industry
Annual Access $1,365/year $1,732/year $2,887.50/year
Additional Users (charged to 2nd and subsequent listed users under a user paying the annual access fee) $68.25/month $84/month $110.25/month
R to R Nano Imprinter $451.50/day $661.50/day $871.50/day
R to R Coater $225.75/day $435.75/day $682.50/day
Equipment Usage $47.25/hour $47.25/hour $73.50/hour
Technical Assistance $47.25/hour $47.25/hour $73.50/hour
Special Materials and Processes $57.75/process $57.75/process $57.75/process
Rates are subject to change, contact facility to verify current fees.

FY25 Specialized Service Center Approved Fees
Service Line Rate Assisted
Campus Users - Hourly Rates  
JEOL 2200FS $90 $115
FEI Magellan 400 $62 $83
ThermoFisher VolumeScope (first 2 hours) $62 $83
ThermoFisher VolumeScope (until 12 hours) $37 $37
ThermoFisher VolumeScope (more than 12 hours) $22 $27
FEI Tecnai T12 $62 $83
ThermoFisher Tundra Cryo-EM (first 2 hours) $62 $83
ThermoFisher Tundra Cryo-EM (until 12 hours) $37 $37
ThermoFisher Tundra Cryo-EM (more than 12 hours) $22 $27
Sputter Coater CR108 $8/sample  
Sputter Coater CR208 $10/sample  
Ultramicrotome (any) $27 $53
FEI Vitribot - Plunge Freezer $27 $53
Service Line Hourly Rate
External Users - Hourly Rates
ISU (Industry Self Use) - Any Instrument $160
ISU + Staff Assistance $265
ISU + Director Assistance $315
Consulting (Director) $160
Liquid Nitrogen: sold at cost
Supplies (Grids etc...) sold at cost
Rates are subject to change, contact facility to verify current fees.
FY25 Specialized Service Center Approved Fees
Service Line Campus Users Other Academic Users Industry
  Hourly Rates
LSR Fortessa-with Operator $80 $95 $130
LSR Fortessa-without Operator $48 $65 $95
Amnis ImageStream-with Operator $80 $95 $130
Amnis ImageStream-without Operator $48 $65 $95
Aria - Sorting $115 $150 $235
Cytek-with Operator $80 $95 $130
Cytek-without Operator $48 $65 $95
Sony-BSL3 Sorter $160 N/A N/A
Director Consultation $105 $150 $250
Rates will be adjusted every fiscal year, so they are subject to change, contact facility to verify current fees.  
FY25 Specialized Service Center Approved Fees  
    Campus Users External Academic Industry
Tech Fee hour $86 $99 $111
Bio-RAD CFX96 Touch Real-Time PCR Detection System Equipment Fee hour $15 $18 $20
Eppendorf Mastercycler epGradient Equipment Fee hour $6 $6 $7
Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer Equipment Fee hour $21 $24 $27
Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer DNA HS assay assay $119 $136 $154
Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer DNA 7500 assay assay $93 $107 $121
Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer RNA 6000 Nano assay assay $102 $117 $133
Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer RNA 6000 Pico assay assay $130 $147 $166
Syngene Ugenius Agarose GelDoc System Equipment Fee 30 minutes $4 $5 $6
Agarose gel DNA analysis (DNA ladder, sample run + image), (minimum 5 sample rate), plus TechFee sample $5 $5 $6
Qubit 4 Fluorometer Equipment Fee 30 minutes $5 $5 $6
Qubit dsDNA BR, dsDNA HS, RNA BR, RNA HS Assays (minimum 2 sample rate)  sample $5 $6 $6
BluePippin Equipment Fee hour $21 $24 $27
BluePippin sample prep (Minimum 2 sample rate, Additional 1 lane rate for external marker cassette). Only limited % gel assay) sample $76 $87 $98
Bioruptor Pico Equipment Fee hour $21 $24 $27
Bioruptor Pico sample processing (Minimum 8 sample rate) plus Tech and Machine fees sample $5 $6 $7
Savant SpeedVac DNA120 Equipment Fee hour $11 $12 $14
Fast Prep-24 5G Equipment Fee hour $20 $23 $26
MiSeq Reagent Nano Kit v2 (300 Cycle kit), (Note, additional fee for QC, pooling, custom primer, PhiX, sample sheet, may be applied) assay $648 $746 $843
MiSeq Reagent Nano Kit v2 (500 Cycle kit), (Note, additional fee for QC, pooling, custom primer, PhiX, sample sheet, may be applied) assay $862 $991 $1,120
MiSeq Reagent Micro Kit v2 (300 Cycle kit), (Note, additional fee for QC, pooling, custom primer, PhiX, sample sheet, may be applied) assay $862 $991 $1,120
MiSeq Reagent kit v2 (50 Cycle kit), (Note, additional fee for QC, pooling, custom primer, PhiX, sample sheet, may be applied) assay $1,373 $1,579 $1,785
MiSeq Reagent kit v2 (300 Cycle kit), (Note, additional fee for QC, pooling, custom primer, PhiX, sample sheet, may be applied) assay $1,680 $1,932 $2,184
MiSeq Reagent kit v2 (500 Cycle kit), (Note, additional fee for QC, pooling, custom primer, PhiX, sample sheet, may be applied) assay $1,986 $2,284 $2,582
MiSeq Reagent Kit v3 (150 Cycle kit), (Note, additional fee for QC, pooling, custom primer, PhiX, sample sheet, may be applied) assay $1,502 $1,727 $1,952
MiSeq Reagent kit v3 (600 Cycle kit), (Note, additional fee for QC, pooling, custom primer, PhiX, sample sheet, may be applied) assay $2,588 $2,977 $3,365
Illumina MiSeq Equipment Fee 24 hours $126 $145 $164
Library Prep: DNA (Shotgun Metagenome / Genome, ChIP), (minimum 4 sample rate) sample $97 $112 $126
Library Prep: Total RNA (no rRNA reduction and no poly(A), (minimum 4 sample rate) sample $111 $128 $145
Library Prep: poly (A) mRNA, stranded, (minimum 4 sample rate) sample $127 $146 $165
Library Prep: Targeted Amplicon Sequencing (16S, 18S rRNA), (minimum 10 sample rate), (custom primers addtional fee may be applied) sample $16 $19 $21
Library Prep: Single Cell/Low Input RNA Library Prep for Illumina, (minimum 6 sample rate) sample $154 $177 $200
NEBNext rRNA Depletion Kit (Human/Mouse/Rat), (minimum 4 sample rate) sample $78 $89 $101
NGS Library QC (qPCR assay), (minimum 2 sample rate) sample $19 $22 $24
DNA Isolation sample $16 $19 $21
RNA Isolation sample $25 $26 $30
Sample dilution/pooling sample $1 $1 $2
PhiX Spike-in sample $16 $18 $21
Custom Primer (Eg., 16S Seq by GRL) assay $31 $35 $40
10x Genomics Chromium Controller Equipment Fee 24 hours $87 $100 $113
Library Prep: 10X Genomics Single Cell Gene Expression Profling Assay (3' RNA) assay $2,664 $3,064 $3,463
Nexcelom Cellometer K2 Fluorescent Cell Counter Equipment Fee 30 minutes $6 $6 $7
Note 1: Rates are inclusive of reagents. Vendors periodically adjust reagent cost. The cost will be adjusted accordingly. Rates are subject to change, contact facility to verify current fees.
Note 2: GRL provides many other custom services, please contact facility staff.
Note 3: For any failed unassisted/assisted runs, additional diagnostic fees may be applied.
Note 4: Unassisted users for MiSeq. Due to limited budget, the sequencers are under Bronze service plan. Under this plan there is no reagent replacement. Any failed runs will be borne by user.
Note 5: No show/ late cancellation for equipment reservation fees may be applied.
No cancellation fees charged for cancellation before 48 h for MiSeq.
No cancellation fees charged for cancellation before 24 h for other equipment)
Note 6: Limited/restricted access for unassisted equipment use to external users.
Note 7: *FY25 rates applicable as of April 1, 2024
Rates are subject to change, contact facility to verify current fees.

FY25 Specialized Service Center Approved Fees

Service Line Campus Users External Users
Vector Network Analyzer (VNA)
(Includes use of Tier A equipment)
$12/hour $125/hour
Extender pair $6/hour $125/hour
Only Probes $2/hour $125/hour
Only Probe Station $12/hour $125/hour
Tier A $6/hour $125/hour
Tier B $11/hour $125/hour
Training/Technical support $45/hour $113/hour
Small equipment loan (10 instruments) $4/instrument/day N/A
Rates are subject to change, contact facility to verify current fees.
FY25 Specialized Service Center Approved Fees


  Internal Academic External
Processing and Embedding      
Process only $3.00 $3.95 $5.20
Process and embed only per block  $4.60 $6.00 $8.00
Process, embed, and H&E per block $8.25 $11.00 $14.50
Dissection for processing and embedding (per hour) $37.00 $48.00 $63.00
Sectioning with or without H&E Staining      
H&E Only (customer provides slides) $2.15 $2.80 $3.75
H&E staining from an existing block per slide $3.25 $4.25 $5.75
Unstained slides from an existing block per slide $2.25 $3.00 $4.00
Independent use of microtome (per hour) $22.00 $30.00 $38.00
Frozen Section      
Mandatory consultation for all new frozen work $55.00 $75.00 $95.00
Snap freezing, embedding for samples per block $11.00 $14.00 $19.00
Cryosectioning (per hour) $37.00 $48.00 $65.00
Independent use of cryotome (per hour) $22.00 $30.00 $38.00
Laser Capture Microscopy      
Personnel time $48.00 $64.00 $85.00
Training $60.00 $79.00 $104.00
Use of LCM after training (per hour) $22.00 $30.00 $38.00
Supplies-Chargeback current costs Costs Vary

Tissue Procurement Services

In order to partially cover operational and personnel costs a nominal fee will be charged to investigators utilizing biorepository services. 

This helps cover costs related to procurement, processing, storage, and distribution of biospecimens needed for cancer research. 

Projects are assessed and fees are determined on an individual basis. 

Tissue Collection (Breast & Ovarian Registry)      
Fresh tissue collection (per sample)
Snap Frozen Tissue  
Section of paraffin tissue (3-6 uM) from Tissue Registry
(per section)
Section of paraffin tissue (7-20 uM) from Tissue Registry
(per section)
HMEC Cells (p0) (per sample)      
HMEC Cells (p1) (per sample)      
HMEC Cells (p2) (per sample)      
Whole organ culture (per sample)      
Conditionally immortalized HMEC cells (per sample)      
Fresh spheroids      
Organoids (per line)      
Custom Collection (requests for speciments are reviewed to ensure the availability of tissues)      
Fresh tissue collection (per sample)      
Whole organ culture (per sample)      
Snap frozen tissue (50mg)      
Blood Collection (Banked from Registry)      
Blood-FTA spots (per spot)      
Blood-plasma or serum (0.2mL)      
Buffy coat (0.1mL)      
Custom Collection (requests for speciments are reviewed to ensure availability of tissues)      
Blood-plasma or serum (0.5mL)      
Blood specimen processing      


  Internal Academic External
Additional Services Available (Add on Services)      
Special Stains      
Customer responsible for cost of reagents varies varies varies
Staining (per hour) $37.00 $48.00 $63.00
IHC Autostainer (per slide) $19.00 $25.00 $33.00
IHC (by hand)      
     IHC (by hand) Labor (per hour) $37.00 $48.00 $63.00
     IHC (by hand) Reagent Cost varies varies varies
Client responsible for cost of primary antibody varies varies varies
IF (by hand) Labor (per hour) $37.00 $48.00 $57.00
IF Reagent cost varies varies varies
IRB Assistance (per hour) $80.00 $110.00 $150.00
Consultation Fees      
Histology consultation $55.00 $75.00 $95.00
Expedited service request 20% 20% 20%
Common Supplies      
Cassette $0.70 $0.95 $1.25
Slide Boxes $14.00 $18.00 $23.00
Client is responsible for all shipping costs      
  • Any Dako FlexKit usage will increase cost-contact HistoSpring for additional info
  • Antibody optimization required

Histology Price Sheet-for printing

Updated on 08/24/23

Service Line Campus Users External Users
Half Hour $341.25 $682.50
Rates are subject to change, contact facility to verify current fees.
FY25 Specialized Service Center Approved Fees
Service Line Unit Campus Users External Users
COVID-19 PCR test Hour $26.25 $47.25
Equipment: BioRad CFX384 Hour $15.75 $31.50
Equipment: Hamilton MagEx Hour $105 $152.25
Equipment: Hamilton PCR prep Hour $78.75 $120
RNA/DNA Extraction Sample $2.63 $4.20
qPCR set up w/analysis (basic) Sample $3.15 $5.25
qPCR set up w/analysis (advanced) Sample $5.25 $7.35
Spectramax iD5 plate reader Hour $7 $11.15
Quantstudio 7 pro qPCR Hour $17.05 $27.79
Imunnoassay setup w/Analysis (Basic) Sample $3 $4.90
Imunnoassay setup w/Analysis (Advanced) Sample $8.08 $13.17
Tech Time Hour $52.50 $106
Supervisor Time Hour $78.75 $157.50
Rates will be adjusted every fiscal year, so they are subject to change, contact facility to verify current fees.
FY25 Specialized Service Center Approved Fees
Service (Per Hour) Internal External Academic External Industry
Point Scanning Confocal: Nikon A1R-TIRF $23.15 $30.87 $40.79
Point Scanning Confocal: Nikon A1SP $25.36 $34.18 $44.10
Point Scanning Confocal: Nikon AIR-SIMe $23.15 $30.87 $40.79
Point Scanning Confocal Microscope - AXR-NSPARC $39.90 $53.95 $69.39
Widefield Microbe System $13.23 $17.60 $23.25
Cellcyte Live Cell Microscope $2.10 $2.79 $3.68
Slide Scanning Microscope $15.75 $20.95 $27.56
Spinning Disk Microscope $23.15 $30.87 $40.79
Multiphoton Microscope $35.28 $46.31 $60.64
High Content Microscope $25.36 $34.18 $44.10
Nikon STORM Microscope $35.28 $46.31 $60.64
Electrophysiology Rig $14.33 $18.74 $24.26
Basic 1-on-1 Training $88.20 $110.25 $154.35
Dedicated Imaging Assistance $144.43 $191.84 $251.37
Spinning Disk Microscope 2 $23.15 $30.87 $40.79
Keyence BZX800 $12.13 $15.44 $20.95
Point Scanning Confocal Microscopy-A1R $27.56 $35.28 $46.31
Analysis Workstations Access (per month) $10.00/month $14.00/month $18.00/month
CO2 Air Supply $0.56 $0.78 $1.00
Rates are subject to change, contact facility to verify current fees.
FY25 Specialized Service Center Approved Fees
Service Line Campus Users Other Academic Institutions Industry
Mass Spectrometry Service Analysis (per Sample)
Simple Sample Analysis (MSI) $46.20 $57.75 $115.50
LC-MS Analysis $115.50 $138.60 $231
ICP-MS  Analysis $23.10 $57.75 $115.50
Proteomics Analysis $115.50 $138.60 $231
TMT Proteomic Analysis $173.25 $231 $346.50
Mass Spectrometry Hourly Usage
Daytime Usage $52.50 $64.05 $115.50
ICP-MS Usage $23.10 $34.65 $115.50
GC-MS Usage $23.10 $34.65 $115.50
MicroTOF II Usage $40.95 $52.50 $115.50
MicroFlex Usage $40.95 $52.50 $115.50
Advanced Data Acquisition/Analysis
Staff (per hour) $115.50 $115.50 $231
Rates are subject to change, contact facility to verify current fees.
FY25 Specialized Service Center Approved Fees
  Campus Users Other Academic Institutions Industry
Tech Support Staff $75/hour $100/hour $150/hour
Rates are subject to change, contact facility to verify current fees.

FY24 Specialized Service Center Approved Fees


Service Line Campus Users Other Academic Institutions Industry
Annual Access $1,365 $1,732.50 $2,887.50

Additional Users
(charged to 2nd subsequent listed users under a user paying the annual access fee)

$68.25/month $84/month $110.25/month
R to R Nano Imprinter $451.50/day $661.50/day $871.50/day
R to R Coater $225.75/day $435.75/day $682.50/day
Equipment Usage $47.25/hour $47.25/hour $73.50/hour
Technical Assistance $47.25/hour $47.25/hour $73.50/hour
Special Materials and Processes $57.75/process $57.75/process $57.75/process
Rates are subject to change, contact facility to verify current fees.

FY25 Specialized Service Center Approved Fees


Service Line Campus Users - Hourly Rate
AV400 NMR (day) $17.33
AV400 NMR (night) $8.66
Agilent 700 (day) $36
Agilent 700 (night) $18
Bruker 500 (day) $18.48
Bruker 500 (night) $9.24
Bruker 600 - Solids (day) $19.64
Bruker 600 - Solids (night) $9.82
Bruker 600 - Cryoprobe (day) $28
Bruker 600 - Cryoprobe (night) $14
Hit Validation $50/hit
Fragment Screening (No Spect Time) $500/screen
Binding Mode Determination $1,000/Run
Outside Academic Users - Hourly Rate
AV400, Bruker 500 and 600 - Solids (day) $39.27
AV400, Bruker 500 and 600 - Solids (night) $19.64
Agilent 700 and Bruker 600 - Cryoprobe (day) $63.80
Agilent 700 and Bruker 600 - Cryoprobe (night) $31.90
Industrial Users - Hourly Rate
AV400, Bruker 500 and 600 - Solids (day) $173.25
AV400, Bruker 500 and 600 - Solids (night) $86.63
Agilent 700 and Bruker 600 - Cryoprobe (day) $198
Agilent 700 and Bruker 600 - Cryoprobe (night) $99
Hit Validation $220/hit
Fragment Screening (No Spect Time) $5,610/screen
Binding Mode Determination $5,500/run
Industrial Users - Unassisted - Hourly Rate
AV400, Bruker 500 and 600 - Solids $75.08
Agilent 700 and Bruker 600 - Cryoprobe $82.50
All Users
Nighttime usage bulk discount rate for Bruker 500 and AV400 (>400 night hours) 50%
Bulk discount rate for Bruker 600 (Solids & Cryoprobe) and Agilent 700 (>800 total hours) 50%
Rates are subject to change, contact facility to verify current fees.
FY25 Specialized Service Center Approved Fees
Service Line Campus Users Other Academic Institutions Industry
Lab Access $400/day $600/day $700/day

Tier 1 Instruments

  • Agglomeration System
  • UHT/HTST Pasteurization Unit
  • Supercritical Fluid system
$275/day $425/day $500/day

Tier 2 Instruments

  • Microfluidizer
  • Reverse Osmosis Pilot plant
  • Agitating Retort
$175/day $275/day $300/day
Freeze Dryer $75/day $100/day $150/day
Rates are subject to change, contact facility to verify current fees.

FY25 Specialized Service Center Approved Fees
Services (per hour) Internal Other Academic External Rate
DXR Raman microscope $33.60 $44.10 $52.50
DXRxi Raman microscope 
(fast imaging)
$44.10 $55.65 $73.50
EZ portable Raman spectrometer $28.35 $38.85 $47.25
Handheld Raman spectrometer $28.35 $38.85 $47.25
FTIR microscope $44.10 $55.65 $68.25
FTIR spectrometer $28.35 $38.85 $47.25
X-ray Fluorescence spectrometer Epsilon 1 $28.35 $38.85 $47.25
X-ray Fluorescence spectrometer Epsilon 4 $33.60 $44.10 $52.50
Technical Services $55.65 $72.45 $89.25
Rates are subject to change, contact facility to verify current fees.
FY25 Specialized Service Center Approved Fees
Service Line Campus Users Other Academic Institutions Industry
Analytical Equipment Access Tier 1 $26.25/hour $31.50/hour $47.25/hour
Specialized Equipment Tier 2 $52.50/hour $68.25/hour $89.25/hour
Specialized Equipment Tier 3
(Includes staff)
$78.75/hour $78.75/hour $126/hour
Technical Support/Training $63/hour $68.25/hour $105/hour
Quarterly Access Fee (1 user) $315 $420 $525
Additional User Access Fee $68.25/month $84/month $110.25/month

Tier 1 Equipment

  • Woollam - RC2 Vertical Spectroscopic Ellipsometer
  • Zygo Corp - Nexview 3D Optical Profiler
  • Perkin Elmer - Lambda 1050 UV/Vis/NIR Wide Band Spectrophotometer
  • Janis Research - Cryogenic Probe Station
  • Tektronix/Keithley - Semiconductor Parameter Analyzer
  • Olympus - MX61 Microscope
  • Biolin Scientific - Sigma 700 Force Tensiometer
  • MBRAUN - Labmaster DP Glove Box Workstation
  • Bruker - Dektak Nano Stylus Profiler
  • NIL Technologies
  • RheoSense - m-VROC Viscometer
  • Filmetrics - F40-UV Thin Film Microscope
  • PerkinElmer - Frontier MIR/FIR Spectrometer
  • Flacktek - Speedmixer DAC 600
  • Brewer Science Incorporated
  • PerkinElmer - LS-55 Fluorescence Spectrometer
  • Piezotest Piezometer
  • Xenon Corporation
  • Silverson - L5M-A Laboratory Mixer
  • Future Digital Scientific Corporation
  • BYK-Gardner - Balanced Beam Scrape Adhesion and Mar Tester
  • Signatone - Semiconductor Probe Station
  • Techni-Tool
  • Gamry - Reference 600 High-Performance Potentiostat/Galvanostat/ZRA
  • Simco-Ion - Static Control System
  • IKA - Eurostar Mixer
  • SPEX SamplePrep - 8000M High-Energy Ball Mill
  • Sartorius Cubis - High Capacity Balance MSA10202S-000-D0
  • Sartorius Mark 3 Moisture Analyzer
  • Elec. Instrumentation and Tech LLC
  • Matsusada Precision Inc.
  • Spiral Binding
  • ramé-hart Model 210 Goniometer / Tensiometer

Tier 2 Equipment

  • Nanonex Corporation - Wafer Based NIL System
  • MBRAUN - Glovebox Large
  • Optomec - Aerosol Jet Digital Printing
  • Novacentrix - Pulseforge 1300 Photonic Cure
  • FUJIFILM Dimatix - Inkjet Printer
  • Netzsch - MiniCer Agitator Bead System
  • ADT - Dicing Saw
  • Allied High Tech Products - Wafer Polisher
  • HMI - Flatbed Screenprint
  • Dry Room

Tier 3 Equipment

  • Carpe Diem Tool Suite
  • Frontier - Slot die, Microgravure Coater/Laminator
  • BESI - Automated Pick and Place Tool
  • AJA International - R2R Sputtering System
  • Trion Technology - Pulsar III R2R DRIE System
  • JST Manufacturing - R2R Wet Chemistry
  • Northfield - R2R Slitter/Laminator
  • Novacentrix - R2R Pulseforge 1300 Photonic Cure
Rates are subject to change, contact facility to verify current fees.
FY25 Specialized Service Center Approved Fees
Service Line Campus Users External Users
Lab Access (per user) $330/quarter $750/quarter
Technical assistance/training $66/hour $125/hour
Rates are subject to change, contact facility to verify current fees.
FY25 Specialized Service Center Approved Fees
Service Line Unit Campus Other Academic External Users
Bedroom - Hourly use Hour $2 $2.60 $3.50
PSG - LiveAmp Use $45 $58.50 $78.75
PSG - BrainAmp Use $70 $91 $122.50
PSG - Embletta Use $55 $71.50 $96.25
PSG - Sleep Profiler Use $25 $32.50 $43.75
Actigraphy - Commercial grade Day $1 $1.30 $1.75
Actigraphy - Research grade Day $2 $2.60 $3.50
Technical Support-Junior Hour $18 $23.40 $31.50
Technical Support-Senior Hour $54 $70.20 $94.50
Technical Support-Director Hour $135 $175.50 $236.25
Rates are subject to change, contact facility to verify current fees.
FY25 Specialized Service Center Approved Fees
Service Line Rate
Campus Users - Hourly Rate
PANalytical XRD $37
Ganesha SAXS $37
Campus Users - Staff Assisted - Hourly Rate
PANalytical XRD $62
Ganesha SAXS $62
External Users - Hourly Rate
ISU (Industry Self Use) - Any Instrument $160
ISU + Staff Assistance $265
ISU + Director Assistance $320
Rates are subject to change, contact facility to verify current fees.
FY25 Specialized Service Center Approved Fees