state-of-the-art non-invasive whole body imaging

Siemens 3T Skyra Scanner
Siemens 3T (123 MHz) Skyra is a 70-cm bore MRI/MRS scanner for acquisition of BOLD, Diffusion, and MR spectroscopy data. The scanner uses state-of-the-art technology for fast and efficient collection of:
- structural neuroimaging (white and gray matter and CSF morphology and diffusion tractography),
- functional neuroimaging (resting state and task-based fMRI),
- multi-nuclear spectroscopy (1H, 31P and 13C)
- MR elastography
- structural imaging of bone and tissue,
The Skyra provides a wide bore and short length, making it ideal for scanning certain populations, e.g., children and obese persons, who may otherwise feel claustrophobic in a typical 60mm bore.

Additional Equipment
- The hMRC is equipped with 3 head coils (20, 32, and 64 channel), and a full array of body, foot/ankle, knee, and breast coils, and a docking exam table.
- A variety of MR compatible peripheral equipment is available, such as a 32” high resolution BOLD screen, a 128-channel EEG system, an eyetracking system, an active noise canceling microphone/headphone system, a system for MR elastography, an ergometer, and an array of button box, grip force, and joystick devices for acquiring experimental responses.
- The hMRC has a complete mock scanner system, including participant interfaces, and is particularly well suited for training participants to stay still in the scanner.
- Double tuned 1H-31P and 1H-13C surface and volume coils.

Ancillary Equipment
- BOLD screen: Cambridge Research Systems (http://www.crsltd.com) LCD monitor, 32", 1920x1080 resolution, 120Hz refresh rate
- Button response unit: Current Design (http://www.curdes.com/), package 932, 4 buttons on both hands
- Audio system: Optoacoustic, Optoactive ANC headphone, FOMRI-III microphone
- 128-channel EEG system: Brain Vision, (http://brainvision.com/products/), BrainAmp
- Eyetracking system: SR Research, EyeLink 1000 Plus system
- Ergometer
S230 Life Science Laboratories
University of Massachusetts Amherst
240 Thatcher Road
Amherst, MA 01003