High Frequency Sensor Development Rates & Services

High Frequency Sensor Development

Service LineCampus UsersExternal Users
Vector Network Analyzer (VNA)
(Includes use of Tier A equipment)
Extender pair$6/hour$125/hour
Only Probes$2/hour$125/hour
Only Probe Station$12/hour$125/hour
Tier A$6/hour$125/hour
Tier B$11/hour$125/hour
Training/Technical support$45/hour$113/hour
Small equipment loan (10 instruments)$4/instrument/dayN/A
Rates are subject to change, contact facility to verify current fees.
FY25 Specialized Service Center Approved Fees (pdf)


Training for new users consists of:

  • lab safety training,
  • operation of the instrument and associated software,
  • use of data analysis software,
  • exporting or presenting data,
  • clean up and shutdown of the instrumentation.

Once the training is complete, researchers may schedule their experiments through the directors of HFSD (Joseph Bardin or Robert Jackson) or online through CORUM at corum.umass.edu.

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Shared Facilities

Reservations & Services

CORUM - the centralized ordering system for shared facilities.

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Make a Payment
To make a payment for CORUM invoices, please go to the Make a Payment page and select the appropriate Core Facility. You will be redirected to the UMass General Store form.