World Class Measurement Capability for Frequencies into the Terahertz Range and Beyond
Keysight/Cascade Probe Station for Network Analysis to 1.1THz
For use in characterizing devices and integrated circuits operating up to Terahertz frequencies
- Microwave network analyzer, Keysight N5247A PNA-X, 0.01-67 GHz (options 080, 400, 419, H01)
- VNA frequency extenders, 70-1100 GHz (VDI, WR10, WR6.5, WR4.3, WR3.4, WR2.2, WR1.5, WR1.0)
- Probe station, Summit 12000B-M 200 semi-auto microchamber. Large area manipulators and E-Vue microscope
- Dominion wafer probes for WR4.3, WR3.4, WR2.2, WR1.5, WR1.0 bands
- VDI calibration kits (WR10, WR6.5, WR4.3, WR3.4, WR2.2, WR1.5, WR1.0)
Bruker Vertex 80 Fourier Transform Spectrometer
For use in characterizing materials such as polymers, pharmaceuticals, semiconductors
- Spectral range from very far IR (THz) to near IR, visible and UV
- Standard resolution better than 0.2 cm-1
- PC-based data system controls optics and signal processing
- Sources
- MIR standard internal, Globar
- NIR/UV internal, tungsten lamp (Q428/7)
- FIR external, Hg arc (Q201), to 4cm-1
- Detectors
- MIR KBr/DLaTGs D301, room temp
- NIR/MIR MCT D316, LN temp
- VIS/NIR Si D510, room temp
- FIR(to 150 GHz), IRLab bolometer, 4.2° K
- Beam splitters for entire range in steps
- Temporal resolution to 6μS
- Reflection accessories: Bruker,13°-83° computer-controlled angle adjustment, Pike 30° angle, horizontal sample position
High Frequency Measurements
- Signal Analyzer 50 GHz Agilent N9030A
options B1X, BBA, CR3, EXM, P50, RT2, 1FP, 2FP, 9068A, 9069A, 1FP, 2FP - Noise source 26GHz, Agilent N4002A
- Signal generator 50 GHz Agilent, E8257D
options 1E1, 550, UNW, UNX - Multipliers, VDI 650 and 850 GHz
- E-calibration module, Agilent N4694A
- Power meter Erickson PM4, with waveguide flange adapter kit
- Power meter, Agilent E4416A (2)
- Power sensors, Agilent (N8485A, E4413, N8488A, 8487D, W8486A)
- Supporting waveguide equipment (2x horns and 2x 1” waveguide for WR10, WR6.5, WR4.3, WR3.4, WR2.2, WR1.5, WR1.0 and variable attenuators for WR10, WR6.5, WR4.3, WR3.4, WR2.2 and WR1.5).
- THz to MIR Golay cell detector, Tydex
- FIR bolometer (to 150 GHz), IRLab, 4.2°K
Firefly Pulsed THz Laser
A compact tunable THz source useful for spectroscopy,
non-destructive testing, biomedical diagnostics, and THz
detector testing
- Output Pulse Energy > 9 nJ at 50 Hz
- Tuning Range 0.8 to > 2.5 THz
- Repetition Rate 50 Hz (fixed, nominal)
- Pulse Duration < 25 ns (FWHM)
Scientific Instrumentation
- SRS Small Instrument Modules: SIM910 JFET preamplifier, SIM918
Precision current preamplifier, SIM954 Dual-channel 300 MHz inverting amplifier, SIM965 Bessel and Butterworth filter, SIM923 Platinum RTD monitor, SIM928 Rechargeable isolated voltage source, SR540 Optical chopper (with 5/6 and 25/30 slot blades), SR250 Gated integrator - Lock-in Amplifier, Zurich Instruments HF2LI
Basic Equipment
- DC Source meters (5) Agilent B2901A
- Triple DC sources (5) Agilent E3631A
- Oscilloscope, Agilent MOSX3104A 1 GHz
- Arbitrary waveform generator, Agilent 33250A
- Microscope, Nikon SMZ 745
- Assorted tools and cables
- Infrared Laboratories 4.2K bolometer system 15-2000 microns
S460 Life Science Laboratories
University of Massachusetts Amherst
240 Thatcher Road
Amherst, MA 01003