Genomics Resource Lab Rates & Services

Genomics Resource Lab

Service LineUnitCampus UsersExternal AcademicIndustry
Tech Feehour$86$99$111
Bio-RAD CFX96 Touch Real-Time PCR Detection System Equipment Feehour$15$18$20
Eppendorf Mastercycler epGradient Equipment Feehour$6$6$7
Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer Equipment Feehour$21$24$27
Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer DNA HS assayassay$119$136$154
Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer DNA 7500 assayassay$93$107$121
Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer RNA 6000 Nano assayassay$102$117$133
Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer RNA 6000 Pico assayassay$130$147$166
Syngene Ugenius Agarose GelDoc System Equipment Fee30 minutes$4$5$6
Agarose gel DNA analysis (DNA ladder, sample run + image), (minimum 5 sample rate), plus TechFeesample$5$5$6
Qubit 4 Fluorometer Equipment Fee30 minutes$5$5$6
Qubit dsDNA BR, dsDNA HS, RNA BR, RNA HS Assays (minimum 2 sample rate) sample$5$6$6
BluePippin Equipment Feehour$21$24$27
BluePippin sample prep (Minimum 2 sample rate, Additional 1 lane rate for external marker cassette). Only limited % gel assay)sample$76$87$98
Bioruptor Pico Equipment Feehour$21$24$27
Bioruptor Pico sample processing (Minimum 8 sample rate) plus Tech and Machine feessample$5$6$7
Savant SpeedVac DNA120 Equipment Feehour$11$12$14
Fast Prep-24 5G Equipment Feehour$20$23$26
MiSeq Reagent Nano Kit v2 (300 Cycle kit), (Note, additional fee for QC, pooling, custom primer, PhiX, sample sheet, may be applied)assay$648$746$843
MiSeq Reagent Nano Kit v2 (500 Cycle kit), (Note, additional fee for QC, pooling, custom primer, PhiX, sample sheet, may be applied)assay$862$991$1,120
MiSeq Reagent Micro Kit v2 (300 Cycle kit), (Note, additional fee for QC, pooling, custom primer, PhiX, sample sheet, may be applied)assay$862$991$1,120
MiSeq Reagent kit v2 (50 Cycle kit), (Note, additional fee for QC, pooling, custom primer, PhiX, sample sheet, may be applied)assay$1,373$1,579$1,785
MiSeq Reagent kit v2 (300 Cycle kit), (Note, additional fee for QC, pooling, custom primer, PhiX, sample sheet, may be applied)assay$1,680$1,932$2,184
MiSeq Reagent kit v2 (500 Cycle kit), (Note, additional fee for QC, pooling, custom primer, PhiX, sample sheet, may be applied)assay$1,986$2,284$2,582
MiSeq Reagent Kit v3 (150 Cycle kit), (Note, additional fee for QC, pooling, custom primer, PhiX, sample sheet, may be applied)assay$1,502$1,727$1,952
MiSeq Reagent kit v3 (600 Cycle kit), (Note, additional fee for QC, pooling, custom primer, PhiX, sample sheet, may be applied)assay$2,588$2,977$3,365
Illumina MiSeq Equipment Fee24 hours$126$145$164
Library Prep: DNA (Shotgun Metagenome / Genome, ChIP), (minimum 4 sample rate)sample$97$112$126
Library Prep: Total RNA (no rRNA reduction and no poly(A), (minimum 4 sample rate)sample$111$128$145
Library Prep: poly (A) mRNA, stranded, (minimum 4 sample rate)sample$127$146$165
Library Prep: Targeted Amplicon Sequencing (16S, 18S rRNA), (minimum 10 sample rate), (custom primers additional fee may be applied)sample$16$19$21
Library Prep: Single Cell/Low Input RNA Library Prep for Illumina, (minimum 6 sample rate)sample$154$177$200
NEBNext rRNA Depletion Kit (Human/Mouse/Rat), (minimum 4 sample rate)sample$78$89$101
NGS Library QC (qPCR assay), (minimum 2 sample rate)sample$19$22$24
DNA Isolationsample$16$19$21
RNA Isolationsample$25$26$30
Sample dilution/poolingsample$1$1$2
PhiX Spike-insample$16$18$21
Custom Primer (Eg., 16S Seq by GRL)assay$31$35$40
10x Genomics Chromium Controller Equipment Fee24 hours$87$100$113
Library Prep: 10X Genomics Single Cell Gene Expression Profiling Assay (3' RNA)assay$2,664$3,064$3,463
Nexcelom Cellometer K2 Fluorescent Cell Counter Equipment Fee30 minutes$6$6$7
Note 1: Rates are inclusive of reagents. Vendors periodically adjust reagent cost. The cost will be adjusted accordingly. Rates are subject to change, contact facility to verify current fees.
Note 2: GRL provides many other custom services, please contact facility staff.
Note 3: For any failed unassisted/assisted runs, additional diagnostic fees may be applied.
Note 4: Unassisted users for MiSeq. Due to limited budget, the sequencers are under Bronze service plan. Under this plan there is no reagent replacement. Any failed runs will be borne by user.
Note 5: No show/ late cancellation for equipment reservation fees may be applied.
No cancellation fees charged for cancellation before 48 h for MiSeq.
No cancellation fees charged for cancellation before 24 h for other equipment)
Note 6: Limited/restricted access for unassisted equipment use to external users.
Note 7: *FY25 rates applicable as of April 1, 2024
Rates are subject to change, contact facility to verify current fees.

FY25 Specialized Service Center Approved Fees (pdf)


The facility accepts samples and will perform requested analysis. We offer training to users to conduct experimentation for use on a fee for service basis to both internal and external researchers, academic or industry based. Following an initial consultation, covering experimental parameters training and access is arranged through the director, Ravi Ranjan at

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