Transmission and Scanning Electron Microscopes and Sample Preparation

JEOL- JEM-2200FS Energy Filtered Transmission Electron Microscope
The JEOL JEM-2200FS EFTEM features an in-column Electron Energy Loss Filter for EELS and EFTEM and an Oxford X-MAX 80mm2 Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometer. The instrument is setup for analytical applications such as Electron Tomography while still maintaining high-resolution in High Angle Annular Dark Field Imaging.
- Schottky Thermal Field Emitter Source
- Oxford 80mm2 X-Max Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometer (EDS)
- Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy with HAADF
- Electron Tomography (TEMT)

FEI Magellan 400 XHR-SEM
The FEI Magellan 400 XHR-SEM is a thermal field emitter base high resolution microscope featuring an Oxford X-MAX 80mm2 Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometer for element mapping. Low-Voltage Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy with HAADF.
- Schottky Thermal Field Emitter Source
- Oxford 80mm2 X-Max Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometer (EDS)
- Low-Voltage Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy with HAADF
- Electron Backscattering Diffraction (EBSD)

FEI Tecnai-T12 TEM
The FEI Tecnai-T12 is a life sciences oriented Electron Microscope capable of imaging at cryo-temperatures.
- LaB6 Source
- 80-120kV Acceleration Voltage
- Cryo-Transfer

Leica Ultracut UCT EM FCS

Leica (Reichert & Jung) Ultramicrotome

Vitrobot Mark IV
Plunge Freeze

Cressington 108 Sputter Coater
Cressington 108 Sputter Coaters are ideal for routine sample preparation. Compact, economical and simple to operate, they offer rapid pumpdown times, fine-grain coatings and negligible sample heating.

Cressington 208 Sputter Coater
The Cressington 208HR High Resolution Sputter Coaters offer real solutions to the problems encountered when coating difficult samples for FESEM imaging. FESEM applications need extreme- ly thin, fine grain, uniform coatings to eliminate charg- ing and to improve contrast on low density materials.
Tundra cryo-TEM
- 100 kV accelerating voltage
- X-FEG source
- Ceta-F CMOS Camera
- Negative stain or cryo samples
- Automated data collection
B163-B172 Silvio O. Conte National Center for Polymer Research
University of Massachusetts Amherst
120 Governors Drive
Amherst, MA 01003