Device Fabrication Rates & Services

Device Fabrication

Service LineCampus UsersOther Academic InstitutionsIndustry
Annual Access$1,365/year$1,732/year$2,887.50/year
Additional Users (charged to 2nd and subsequent listed users under a user paying the annual access fee)$68.25/month$84/month$110.25/month
R to R Nano Imprinter$451.50/day$661.50/day$871.50/day
R to R Coater$225.75/day$435.75/day$682.50/day
Equipment Usage$47.25/hour$47.25/hour$73.50/hour
Technical Assistance$47.25/hour$47.25/hour$73.50/hour
Special Materials and Processes$57.75/process$57.75/process$57.75/process
Rates are subject to change, contact facility to verify current fees.

FY25 Specialized Service Center Approved Fees (pdf)
CORUM centralized ordering system
Shared Facilities

Reservations & Services

CORUM - the centralized ordering system for shared facilities.

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Make a Payment
To make a payment for CORUM statements, please go to the Make a Payment page and select the appropriate Core Facility. You will be redirected to the UMass General Store form.