Device Characterization Rates & Services

Advanced Digital Design and Fabrication (ADDFab)

Service LineInternal (UMass)External
Printing Services
SLS - EOS P110 (nylon-12)$0.09/cc$0.16/cc
FFF - Markforged Onyx and Continuous Fiber2.5x Mat'l Cost3.5x Mat'l Cost
Objet - Connex350 Multi-material2.5x Mat'l Cost3.5x Mat'l Cost
Metal - Steels & Nickel AlloysContact us for price quote
Hourly Equipment
Laser Cutter (Spirit GLS 80W)$12.60/hour$21/hour
Wire EDM$13.65/hour$21/hour
Daily Equipment
EOS M290 (Metal DMLS)$378/day$577.50/day
Optomec LENS 450 (Metal DED)$262.50/day$420/day
Material Testing Equipment
Instron Electropuls E10000$105/day$183.75/day
Engineering/Design & Lab Services
Lab Technician$52.50/hour$84/hour
Design Engineering (Junior)$52.50/hour$84/hour
Design Engineering (Senior)$141.75/hour$210/hour


  1. Equipment use requires completion of safety training through UMass EH&S and paid training with ADDFab staff
  2. Support for untrained users is available at lab technician rates
  3. Please contact Dave Follette with any questions
  4. Prices effective July 1, 2024. Rates through June 30, 2025-FY25 Specialized Service Center Approved Fees (pdf)
CORUM centralized ordering system
Shared Facilities

Reservations & Services

CORUM - the centralized ordering system for shared facilities.

CORUM User Guides

Make a Payment
To make a payment for CORUM invoices, please go to the Make a Payment page and select the appropriate Core Facility. You will be redirected to the UMass General Store form.