Core Facilities Seminar Series - Spring 2022

Spring 2022

Remote video URL
Watch Core Facilities Seminar: NMR on YouTube.


2:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Weiguo Hu, Co Director–"Using NMR to Determine Polymer Molecular Weight and Explore Materials Morphology."


Core Facilities Seminar-Center for Human Health & Performance

2:00 pm - ZOOM (Registration is required)

'Recognizing Gender Diversity in Research,' Genny Beemyn, director of The Stonewall Center, UMass Amherst.Abstract: Binary and nonbinary trans people are often excluded from or misidentified in studies because of the language and methodologies used by researchers. This presentation will discuss why this is a major problem, not only for inclusionary purposes but also for scientific integrity, and suggest possible solutions.

Remote video URL
Watch Core Facilities Seminar: Center for Human Health & Performance on YouTube.

Center for Human Health & Performance

2:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Michael Busa, Director of CH2P

Guest Speaker: Genny Beemyn, Director, The Stonewall Center–"Recognizing Gender Diversity in Research."

Remote video URL
Watch Core Facilities Seminar: Raman, IR, and XFR Spectroscopy on YouTube.

Raman, IR, and XFR Spectroscopy

2:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Lili He, Director of Raman, IR, and XFR Spectroscopy

Guest Speakers: Haochen Dai and Zili Gao–"Introduction to Raman, IR, and XFR Spectroscopy."

Remote video URL
Watch Core Facilities Seminar Series: Flow Cytometry on YouTube.

Flow Cytometry

2:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Amy Burnside, Director of Flow Cytometry

Guest Speaker: David Luther, (Rotello group) Department of Chemistry–"Quantifying cytosolic protein delivery through imaging flow cytometry."

Remote video URL
Watch Core Facilities Seminar Series: Mass Spectrometry on YouTube.

Mass Spectrometry

2:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Steve Eyles, Director of Mass Spectrometry

Guest Speaker: Erica Forsberg and Matt Willetts, Bruker Daltonics–"Expanding the Horizons of 4D-Metabolomics."

Remote video URL
Watch Core Facilities Seminar-Animal Models on YouTube.

Animal Models

2:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Wei Cui, Director of Animal Models and Extension Assistant Professor Veterinary & Animal Sciences–"Learn about the services provided through the Animal Models Core Facility."