Tay Gavin Lecture Series: Physical Activity and Health. Integrative Physiology to Public Health: Challenges, Caveats and Unanswered Questions

Dr. William Kraus, Professor of Medicine in the Division of Cardiology Medicine and the Duke Molecular Physiology Institute.

Dr. Kraus is a physician scientist and integrative physiologist; he has spent his scientific and clinical career devoted to the study and implementation of physical activity and exercise for health and its curative potential. Dr. Kraus’ clinical focus is cardiovascular prevention centered on lifestyle modification, cardiac rehabilitation, and sports cardiology. He received his bachelor’s degree from Harvard University in Astronomy and Astrophysics. After teaching high school, he matriculated with his wife to Duke University where they attended Medical school together. He has been the Medical Director of Duke Cardiac Rehabilitation since 1994 and served as the Director of Duke’s Center for Living, an outpatient lifestyle prevention center. Dr. Kraus’ research focuses on core questions in exercise medicine and has over 500 peer-reviewed publications. Currently, Dr. Kraus runs a cardiovascular prevention clinic focusing on combining lifestyle and medical interventions to address issues associated with cardiometabolic risk; a sports cardiology clinic focusing on mature athletes; and a lifestyle program for retiring and transitioning competitive athletes. 

Cohosted with the Center for Research on Families.

Thursday, April 25, 2024 - 8:30am to 9:45am
S140 ILC