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The Five College History Seminar meets several times during the semester at the Lewis-Sebring Dining Commons, Valentine Hall, Amherst College (map) to discuss the works-in-progress of Five College historians. 

We begin with an open wine bar at 5:30 followed by dinner at 6:00 and discussion of the paper at 7:00. Participants who do not wish to have dinner are welcome to arrive at 7:00 for the discussion! Presenters will begin the discussion with very brief comments about the broader context of their work. Most of our time will be dedicated to an exchange of ideas about the paper. 

Please remember to reserve your dinner by 3pm on Monday of each seminar week by contacting Mary Lashway at UMass (413-545-6755, @email ). Please indicate any dietary restrictions; we will try to accommodate them. If you order dinner and do not cancel by 3pm on the Monday preceding the seminar, you may be charged: we have to place the dinner order with Amherst College on Monday afternoon, we are billed for the dinners we order regardless of whether they are eaten, and we have a small budget! 

If you would like to stay in the loop about upcoming seminars, please join our mailing list by contacting Mary Lashway at UMass (413-545-6755, @email ). The seminar is supported by a generous grant from Five Colleges, Inc

2023-24 Seminar

Fall 2023
Oct 12: Patricia Dawson, Mount Holyoke College
Title: TBA
Nov 16: Caleb Smith, Mount Holyoke College
Title: TBA

Spring 2024
Feb 15: Matthew Wormer, UMass Department of History
Title: TBA
March 14: Elizabeth Jacob, UMass Department of History
Title: TBA
April 11: Jessica Keene, UMass Department of History
Title: TBA