As department chair Brian Ogilvie noted in the 2017 department’s newsletter, “in recent years, UMass Amherst has worked to ‘internationalize’ its curriculum. As a discipline, history has long been international: our faculty and students study the history of the entire world, as well as transnational, comparative and global history.” In addition, the faculty of the department of history also publish scholarship in numerous languages. We are proud to spotlight this work, a small snippet of which appears below.
Recent and forthcoming academic books and scholarly articles by UMass history faculty published in languages other than English:
- Professor Audrey Altstadt’s op-ed article “Partnerships with Corrupt Regimes Are Not in the National Interest” published in The National Interest has been translated into Azerbaijani. Find the translated article here.
- Professor Dan Gordon's article on Hannah Arendt, "The Perplexities of Beginnings: Arendt on Revolution," is being translated into Chinese in a volume called The Anthem Companion to Hannah Arendt, by Peking University Press.
- Professor Jennifer Heuer co-authored an article in French that came out this past summer: Verjus, Anne, Claire Cage, Jennifer Heuer, Andrea Mansker, and Meghan Roberts. “Regards croisés sur le mariage à l’époque révolutionnaire et impériale.” Annales historiques de la révolution française 398 (2017): 144-71.
- Professor David Glassberg’s article “Presenting History to the Public: The Study of Memory and the Uses of the Past," CRM 21, no. 11 (1998): 4-8, was translated into Chinese and appears in the inaugural issue of the Chinese publication, Public History, A National Journal of Public History. This journal is by UMass Public History Program alum Na Li, who now teaches at the Center for Public History at Zhejiang University. Also appearing in this issue is a new article by David Glassberg, “Reflections on Public History in China,” which was also translated into Chinese.
- Professor Brian Ogilvie’s book The Science of Describing: Natural History in Renaissance Europe (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2006) is being translated into Chinese by Peking University Press. Professor Ogilvie has also written an original book chapter in French: “Maria Sibylla Merian et la mouche porte-lanterne du Surinam : Naissance et disparition d’un fait scientifique,” in Les savoirs-mondes: Mobilités et circulation des savoirs depuis le Moyen Âge, ed. Pilar González- Bernaldo et Liliane Hilaire-Peréz, 147-57 (Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2015).
- Professor Sigrid Schmalzer’s lecture paper "Toward a Transnational, Trans-1978 History of Food Politics in China: An Exploratory Paper" has been translated into Czech: REFERÁT 汇报 Od spoléhání se na sebe k potravinové suverenitě – Sigrid Schmalzerová (Přeložil 翻译Petr Fiala) 从依赖到食品自给自足
- Professor Kevin Young has published an original article in Spanish, “Alianzas revolucionarias del siglo XX en Bolivia: Entre la coalición y la ruptura,” Fuentes (La Paz, Bolivia) 11, no. 49 (2017): 6-18. His 2017 article, “From Open Door to Nationalization: Oil and Development Visions in Bolivia, 1952-1969,” in the Hispanic American Historical Review, has been accepted for abridged publication in Spanish by Historia (La Paz), under the title, “De puertas abiertas a la nacionalización: Los hidrocarburos y el choque de visiones económicas en Bolivia, 1952-1969.”