May 4, 2022

Dear HFA Community,

Like many of you, I was saddened and angered to learn that a number of Black students and Black student groups had been the target of yet another racist email. Unfortunately, this is not the only racist incident that has occurred recently on our campus and in our college. I’ve been made aware of other acts of racism and hate in our departments over the course of this semester.

Racist harassment takes a considerable toll on our Black students and colleagues. Students should be able to spend the final days of the semester finishing their coursework and looking ahead to the summer. Our Black students, however, have to contend yet again with acts of racism and hate.

At the start of this academic year, I shared my experiences of receiving racist/sexist messages during my first semester as dean of the college. Once again, I call on our white colleagues across the college to do more than stand in solidarity with Black students, faculty, and staff. Actions matter and actions make a difference. As dean of the college, I want to state unequivocally that I fully expect college and departmental leadership to work with me every day to challenge and dismantle racism in our classrooms and work environments. There are no easy solutions or quick fixes. Rather, there is a profound need for a true commitment to ensuring that Black students, faculty, and staff can study, work and thrive in our college and on our campus. This requires humility and a genuine willingness to listen to and learn from Black students, faculty, and staff.

Campus resources are available to support students, faculty, and staff who have been the targets of racism and hate. Faculty are encouraged to register for the UMass ADVANCE program’s Intergroup Dialogue Workshop for Faculty, which is designed to help faculty “address racial tensions and develop competencies around inter- and intra-group relations, conflict, and social justice.”

As we approach the end of the 2021-22 year and look ahead to the summer, I wish you peace and healing. I hope you find moments of beauty and joy in the days and weeks to come.


Barbara Krauthamer

Dean, College of Humanities & Fine Arts
Professor of History