February 10, 2023

While many analysts emphasize Trump’s uniqueness, Professor Kevin A. Young and his co-authors argue he should be viewed as a symptom of a deeper systemic crisis. This collection, co-edited with Michael Schwartz (Stony Brook University) and Richard Lachmann (University at Albany), examines the roots, impacts, and future prospects of Trumpism as well as the possibilities for combatting it.

Image of the cover art of Kevin A. Young's book "Trump and the Deeper Crisis"

The essays are published as part of the series “Political Power and Social Theory” from Emerald Publishing. According to the publisher, “chapters analyze the role of racism and xenophobia, evangelical religion, and elite support in enabling Trump’s political ascent, demonstrating how both his demagogic style and his policies draw from the historic repertoire of the Right. The authors also trace the impacts of his presidency on inequality, health, ecological destruction, and U.S. empire. As far-right forces cement their hold on the Republican Party, and as the Democratic Party appears unable to stop them, what lies ahead? The authors argue that confronting Trumpism requires a frontal attack on the conditions that incubated the monster.”In addition to editing the collection, Professor Young wrote the Introduction: ”Trump As a Symptom” and two chapters: “Trump, Biden, and Why Elections Don’t Bring Bigger Policy Changes” and “Fossil Fuels, the Ruling Class, and Prospects for the Climate Movement.” 

If you are interested in reading Trump and the Deeper Crisis, please reach out to Professor Young for a copy of the PDF.